Chapter 6

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Last night I began working on my essay, on why I should be accepted into the Academy, and all the other information like my gender and race, now all I had to do was then it into the post office, Corey had decided to walk with me.

Me and Corey walked down the  sidewalk, me going over what I had written and Corey holding on to his tightly.
I knew how much he wanted to get into the Academy and he knew how much I did too.

His quirk is amazing, he defines time and can probably do anything within a millisecond, I still haven't told him about mine, I still don't even know what mine does really.
"Sooo Jordan?" Corey muttered

I looked over to him as the reflection of his glasses showed me
"Hm?" I responded.

Corey hesitated, I could tell "Is the food they give us free at the Academy?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

Oh god, he made it sound like this was about to be a serious topic. Not gonna lie I actually didn't know the answer to his question.

I shrugged my shoulders "Yes, no, maybe so"

Corey nodded, but then 9 seconds passed and he spoke.

"Uhhh Jordan" He would say.

"Hm?" I responded.

The post office was a block away, I had been so excited to turn in my form that I began to speed up.

I then forgot all about Corey
"What is it?" I'd ask.
No response.

I then just blew it off but then my form fell out of my hands.
"Damnit..." Id groan and then squat down picking it up.

Once I recovered it I began to observe it making sure no damage had been endured, but then...something caught my attention.

It had been Corey, but he lit up the color green, had it happened again?
Did my quirk activate?

I then looked up into the sky and saw birds that were once flying frozen, as if they were hovering


But what was the issue, the first time this happened someone was in danger, was someone in danger now?
After yesterday I learned that green was the solution, or what mattered in the situation, and that Red was thee...problem?

I didn't see anything red though...

I then walked around Corey, the stop in time was the reason he didn't get the chance to respond.

I then walked back in front of him and sat down. What the hell was the issue-
But then, something caught my attention in the corner of my eye.

A large truck lit up the color red was seen, but something strange occurred.
The truck was still moving, and it was moving towards Corey.
I then put the puzzle pieces together, that truck!

Was about to run over Corey!

I then put my foot firmly on the ground "Like I'll let that happen..."
All I had to do was push Corey out of the way, easy. But as soon as I put my hand on him another object lit up

An old man and a toddler

"Good grief..."

I wouldn't be able to push Corey out of the way and the old man including the toddler, the truck was almost there.
I had to think fast, faster than the truck at least.

I then ran over towards the vehicle and hopped on to the hood "Hmm"
Then I swung myself in, using the open window that the driver had been using to let all the smoke out from a cigarette.

"Let's drive!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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