I heard Keith shout when the Red Lion struck forward to try and hit the monster, but it was no use. The monster held out its right hand and blocked the Red Lion from hitting it.

The Green Lion struck from below, hitting the monster under the chin and making it release the Red Lion.

I looked around at my screens and saw damage percentage points on the Red and Green Lions. Both of the Lions' strength went down my two percent.

Voltron jumped into the air, clutched its hands together and prepared to slam the monster into the ground. We slammed down on the monster, its hands blocking the attack we gave.

Suddenly, its right hand stretched out behind us pulled back towards itself. We turned around when we heard a streng noise from behind, barely noticing the orb the monster had before until it was too late to dodge.

The orb slammed us into the ground, all of us shouting out in pain from the sudden attack from behind. On my screen, the damage percentage on the back went down by six percent due to the heavy blow.

We opened our eyes and saw the orb coming back down towards us. We rolled over to the left and dodged the attack.

"I thought Voltron was the most powerful weapon in the universe!" Keith exclaimed.

"Yeah, so how is this monster kicking our butts?" Hunk asked in fear as we backed away from the orb that chased us.

The orb flew past us, but as we paid attention to the orb, we didn't notice the monster from behind. We turned around quickly hearing the large and heavy footsteps approaching us, but we were too late.

The monster slammed into us, hitting most the Black and Silver Lion parts. I screamed in pain, feeling a sharp yet dull spread throughout my chest area. I looked up and saw a red glow shinging from the diagram on my screen. The chest had taken a twelve percent power damage.

We were thrown back over the mountains, the dust covering my line of sight, but I could tell just by the shadows that we were close to the village.

"Oh, no! The village! We have to protect those people!" Shiro said urgently.

We stood back up and turned to face our enemy just as the orb was about to hit us. We blocked the orb with our arms and the force of the blast threw us back towards the village.

Voltron activated its boosters and flew back into the air before we could cause any damage to the village.

"That was close!" Shiro sighed in relief.

"Saoirse, are you okay? I heard you scream!" Keith asked.

"I'm all right, just backlash from the attack to the chest." I answered, not wanting to speak about the dulling pain in my chest.

We flew past the monster, drawing its attention away from the village and keeping it away from the Arusians.

"We got him away from the Arusians, but we can't take him down!" Pidge said.

"I got it! I'm going to power kick that orb thing!" Lance declared.

"No! The last time you did a kick, we fell!"

"Keith is right. The only result in your kick, is getting our butts kicked." I agreed.

"Stop living in the past!"

Voltron turned around and flew as fast as it could towards the monster just as it released the orb.

Just like Lance said he would, Voltron positioned itself in a kick form, heading straight for the orb.

The Silver PaladinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora