-Looking Back Part One-

Start from the beginning

"You look stunning" He says smiling again.

"You clean up nice" I reply ghosting my fingers over his metals straightening ones that were out of place.

"Kenzie! Put you shoes on you know we have to be there early" Taylor pipes up coming down the stairs holding my gold high heel shoes.

Using Jason's shoulder I put my shoes on then fluffing my skirt out I'm ready to go. Like a true gentleman Jason holds every door we walk into the hotel which has been beautifully decorated for the party. 

"Mom will want to see you before her speech" Taylor says.

"Yeah she will" I agree.

I tell Jason to stay with Taylor while I track down my mother.

"Mackenzie you look amazing" We hug each other she looks great too.

"You too mom. Ok so I brought a friend tonight I should get back but good luck you got this" I say kissing her cheek.

I make my way back to where I left Taylor and Jason.

"Let's go" I nod.

Jason and I link arms I'm holding his elbow I'm so glad he agreed to come tonight and in true Taylor fashion she's off searching of the bar. While Jason and I look for our table just for one night I wish we could be Mackenzie Rollins and Jason Hayes nothing else.

"Earth to Rollins" Jason's voice filters into my thoughts.

I blink a couple times and smile at him wondering what he's thinking about right now.

"Just for tonight pretend you are just Jason Hayes and I'm just Rollins ok just for tonight" I say holding his arm a tiny bit tighter.

A bigger smile spreads across his face I can tell he's liking this idea already I am too. The rest the guests arrive and my mother steps up to the podium on the stage by the wall in the ballroom the lights twinkling off her dress I'm so happy she's my mother.

"It's tradition to start the evening with a dance" She declares holding up her champagne glass.

The band starts playing a soft melody I feel butterflies as Jason stands up holding his hand out for mine.

"Shall we"? He asks.

"It is tradition" I say taking his hand with a curtsy.

We move onto the dance floor I put my other hand on his shoulder Jason's free hand settles under my shoulder blade. We move to the music like we've danced it a hundred times before unconsciously we move closer to each  other again not that I mind.

I'm completely content with just the music and the swishing of skirts I close my eyes as Jason starts softly singing the words to the song the band is playing. I smile and lean my head on his chest then out of the blue he twirls me around leaving me breathless in the best way. (Picture Robert and Giselle ballroom dance scene from Enchanted)

The song fades out we clap for the band and go back to the table I sit down next to Taylor who has that 'you like him' look on her face.

"That was like watching a fairytale" She whispers in my ear.

"Stop it" I smack her arm.

Dinner is served and mom Taylor and I give our speech then back to the table while the band is taking a break.

"Kenzie who is this"? Mom asks breezing over to our table.

"Mom this is Jason Hayes" I introduce her with a smile.

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