Chapter 9: The life of friends

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Chapter 9: The life of friends

Caroline's POV

7:30 AM

"Oh my God!! Where is she!!!!!" I scream to myself. "Wo Care. Where's who?" Matt walks oveer to me and asks. "ELENA!!! MATT DUH!!!" I scream at him. "It's only 7:30 she might be running late." Matt says trying to comfort me. "MATT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!! WELL I GUESS CLEARLY NOT!!! ELENA HAS NOT BEEN LATE SINCE THE 4TH GRADE!!!!! SHES ALWAYS HERE BY 7 7:30 IS THE LASTEST!!! OH AND LOOK ITS 7:31!!!!!!!" I scream at him, again. "Care maybe she's ditching. How about you call her." Matt says touching both of my shoulders. I take a deep breath in, "Your right! I'll just give her a call now." I say with a smile. I pull out my phone and go through my contacts until I find Elena's. I press call and hold it up to my ear. It rings about five times then she finally answers it. "Oh hey Care. What's up." Elena says sounding kinda sleepy. "Elena where are you!!" I say, well almost scream. "Wo Care, calm down I'm ditching the week, I'm at my lake house." Elena tells me and I hear some giggle in the background. "All by your self?" I question. "Well um hehehe STEFAN! I'm on the phone! Hehe stop!" I hear Elena say with a lot of giggles. "Elena Gilbert! You're there with Stefan aren't you!!" I say with my mouth open even though she couldn't see. "Maybe.." Elena says and I could tell she was smiling. "Look Care, I won't be back until after Thanksgiving break, and I'm kinda busy at the moment so I'll call you back." Elena says with a lot of giggles. "BYYYYYEEEE CAROLINE!!!!!" I hear Stefan say like a little kid through the phone. "Bye guys." I say and hang up. I put my phone back in my pocket, I'm still jealous that she got Stefan, she always gets the boy. "So where is she?" Matt asks me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Seriously. You didn't hear a word I said." I ask with a blank expression on my face. "No I went to grab my books." Matt tells me. "Oh well then, she went to her lake house and she won't be back until after Thanksgiving break." I say. "She went by herself?" Matt questions just like I did. "Well no she went with umm Stefan." I say slowly, knowing Matt hates Stefan. "She went with Stefan." Matt says through his gritted teeth. "Uhh yeah." I say with a scared expression on my face. Matt doesn't say anything after that, he just walks away and hits lockers, a lot of lockers. I hurry to my locker for two reasons, one I want to be early to english and two hopefully I'll get there before Matt smashes it. I run to my locker, 244 and do my companation. Once I grab my english books I text Bonnie.

To Bonnie: Hey heading to English. You there yet?

From Bonnie: Just walked in. I'll say you a seat. See you soon xoxo

To Bonnie: Yup! On the second floor. xoxox

Once I put my phone back into my pocket I see the english room and walk in. Its just Bonnie, well know me and Bonnie. She saved me a seat. I set down my books on the desk. "Hey Bonnie." I say with a smile. "Hey Care!" She says returning the smile. "Do you know wher Elena is? SHe's normally here by now." She asks scrunching her eyebrows. "Oh yeah! I called her a few minutes ago." I say. "Im guessing Elena's disapperance has something to do with Matt's locker smashing." Bonnie says with a chuckle. "Haha yes, yes it does." I tell her, also lauhging. "So where is she!" Bonnie says a little louder. "Oh yeah! She's at the lake house with... guess who!" I say answering Bonnie's question. "Hmmm she's with Stefan isn't she!' Bonnie says louder. "Girls! Plase be quiet!" Mrs. White says. "Sorry." Bonnie and I both respond with and a smile. "Yeah she's with Stefan." I say alomst with a whisper. "I bet that's heated." Bonnie says with a chuckle. "Huh yeah. I say looking down at my feet. "Aww Care! Do you still like him?" Bonnie says touching my shoulder. "I mean I still do, a little but, I'm almost over him I swear." Looking up at Bonnie with a smile. The bell rings and we tuen around so were facing Mrs. White. "Alright class before we start there is just a small announcement from the substitue for the vice prinicpal." Mrs White says without geting uo from her desk. Once the door opens our attention is drawin to the door. I wander what he looks like I think to myself. Soon enough my questions were answered. "Hello class I will be your vice principal until further notices. You can call me Mr. Klaus. Is Elena Gilbert normally in this class." Mr. Klaus asks us. "Yes." I tell him rubbing my lips together and giving him a small wink. "Thanks Miss...." Mr.Klaus asks. "Forbes." I tell him giving him a small dirty look. "Ok well she will be gone the rest of the week. Same with Mr. Salvatore." Mr.Klaus told us flipping through some papers on a clipboard. After he made his small announcement he left the room. Well I am so done with Stefan! I thought in my head. I felt my phone buzz and decieded to look at the text.

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