Alice moved to take Fred's seat next to FP. "So about high school, what's your plan? Football? Ooo, maybe we can join a club together. All four of us."

"I don't know yet," FP shrugged. "We still have a few months to see."

Hermione gasped, "Maybe we can start a band."

"Don't give Fred any ideas. He'd probably name us something like the Fred Heads." Alice laughed.

"I don't sing," FP shook his head.

"Think about it though. Fred is great with his guitar. I've heard you on drums. You're not bad." Hermione looked at Alice. "Me and you could sing. You even know how to play keyboards."

"You're crazy, girl. But who knows." Alice wrapped her arms around FP. "We have four years to figure that all out."

FP put a smile on. His hand landed on her knee. He tilted his head against hers.


FP stood outside with the girls as they waited for the Andrews boys. Fred eventually came out with the other boy. "Oscar is gonna be mad if we keep him waiting."

"He's not even here yet," Frank huffed, seeming as their older brother's jalopy wasn't here yet.

"Well if he was he would have looked at us and made us walk home."

"Well that's where telling dad would come into the equation."

"There you are. I was just about to say we should all go to Pop's for milkshakes." Hermione proposed.

"Yeah, I haven't had one in a while." Alice agreed with the idea.

"I could probably convince Oscar to drop me-" Fred felt an elbow against his rib. He looked down at Frank. "Us, off."

"I can't," FP rubbed the back of his neck. "My dad is picking me up."

"Where you going?" Alice asked.

As if on cue Forsythe arrived in his truck. He honked for FP. FP pressed a kiss on her cheek. "I have to go. I'll catch you guys later." He said before jogging over to the car.

Alice turned to their friends. "Is it just me or has he been acting strange?"

"He's FP," Fred said nonchalantly. "He's never been much of a social butterfly."

"Doesn't stop the girls from flirting with him," Hermione jested.

"No, there's something." Fred looked at Alice for a brief second. "Besides, he doesn't like anyone in this town except us."

"I guess," Alice watched him leave.

FP tossed his backpack into the back and climbed into the truck. He buckled himself in and glanced over at his friends. His eyes locked with Alice's. "Do I really have to go to this interview?"

"Yes," Forsythe pulled away from the school. FP lost sight of his friends. "Assuming all goes well you'll probably even get fitted for the uniform today."

"What if I Stonewall just isn't for me? Riverdale High doesn't sound that bad."

"You don't mean that, junior. It's an opportunity not worth wasting." Forsythe has been trying to convince him to attend the boarding school for a while now. FP felt like it was being drilled into his head and he didn't like the fact that it wasn't in Riverdale. "When I was able to transfer from Southside High to Stonewall Prep it changed my life. You don't want to make the mistake of not going."

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