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It had been a tiring week, the promotions for ice age had been seemingly endless, so the news that they were getting two days of was welcomed with much relief by the 5 boys,

One certain member had been anticipating it more than the others,

All week it had been practice, perform, eat, sleep. There had been no space in-between so Junhyuk had no time to be small, he'd been noticing the impact of this and it wasn't good, he was struggling to sleep and during the short breaks in dance practice he'd found him self rubbing his thumb along the waterline of his lips, a tell-tale sign of feeling little, He knew it was unhealthy to supress his regression but he just hadn't had any time to himself.

Once they arrived back at the dorm all 5 of them instantly crashed into bed after showering, Huijun staying up to finish a bit of homework for high school but soon joining them.

Junhyuk grasped his apple plushie and tried not to whimper out of frustration for fear of his roommates Minjae and Seongjun hearing and slowly he to drifted of to dreamland.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

Junhyuk whined at Seungmin's gentle pushing as the sunlight hit his eyes,

"It's our day of!! I already showered last night, why the hell are you waking me up so early"

Sungmin chuckled at the remark "It's 10 am dumbass, we let you sleep in"

Junhyuk sighed in defeat and let himself be pulled to the kitchen area already missing the haven of his soft warm sheets.

"Nice of you to join us for lunch" Huijun commented only to get corrected by Seongjun, "Brunch!"

Junhyuk on plopped onto his seat, whined and dropped his head onto the table hoping to slip back into slumber un-noticed by the rest, obviously his mission was a failure after Seongjun notice after only 2 minutes and lightly slapped him on the forehead.

"Come one, you need to eat"


"Awww does little Babyboy want me to feed him, say ahhhhh"

Junhyuk's hooded eyes shot open at that, he knew it was just a joke but it hit him deep, he summoned a watery smile and opened his mouth to accept the food, fully aware that his face was red, he took the spoon from Seongjun and shovelled rice into his mouth at a pace that was definitely not safe or healthy.

Seongjun gave him a weird look, Junhyuk's recent behaviour playing on his mind but he chose to ignore it as the other three all gathered round to sit and eat.

The youngest had been hoping to regress today but the others did not seem to be going out so that option was out, although he could always go out to the park. Lost in his train of thought he didn't notice what the others were discussing until he was called upon.

"Junhyuk? Junhyuk?" Minjae called seemingly miles away

"Huh, yeah?"

Seongjun's eyebrows narrowed as he looked at the boy "Are you all right Jun? You seem kinds out of it today? tired?" 

Refusing to make eye contact Junhyuk answered nervously "Uhh yeah, I guess, what were you talking about"

"We were just saying we should all go shopping together today and then visit the funfair nearby, you wanna come?" Seungmin jumped in

Junhyuk saw his chance. Junhyuk grabbed it. Truthfully thinking about regressing had been making him slip a little bit and he was on the cusp of dropping completely right now as it was.

"I think I'll pass, I have to catch up on my sleep today" 

MinJae frowned "aww, maybe I should stay home with you?"

"NO! no it's fine, you go!" He replied a little to fast and a little to loud, Seongjun's suspicion grew.

Before they left Seongjun caught Junhyuk for a word as he was seeing them of,

"Jun, are you sure your okay? Your acting kinda weird.."

Junhyuk looked at his toes begging his cheeks to not betray him

"I'm fine hyung, I'll feel better after a nap."

Seongjun tipped his head and scratched the back of his neck, "If your sure.."

"I'm sure" Junhyuk  flashed a half-hearted smile at Seonjun's back as he pushed him out the dorm and breathing a sigh of relief once the door had closed.

Finally he could let himself go, he dropped straight away, the pressure having been to much and clapping he skipped to his room "Yay! Junjun cans be smol nows!!! yay-yay!"

Entering his room he jumped on his bed with all his force and then jumped back off, running to his closet like a aeroplane and making the appropriate noises. He pulled his bed shirt of and snuggled into an oversized baby blue hoodie that had bunny ears on the hood, he'd seen it online and bought it in a sudden fit of self love and spontaneity.

he climbed haphazardly out of his sleeping sweats and into some soft shorts then rolling on the floor for a bit before shoving his feet into some pink fluffy socks and skipping out into the TV area with a few items he'd grabbed:

His favourite stuffie a pink rabbit called fluffy,  a soft mint blankie that was of a similar shade to his hair, his paci which was pale yellow with a little black star on the shield, and of course some paw patrol colouring books to do while he watched the show itself.

He gently suck his paci lying flat on his stomach and colouring, cheering whenever Chase, his favourite puppy, appeared on screen.

all was calm until his stomach quietly grumbled and he decided to answer its call and venture in to the kitchen for a snack.

Something stopped him short.

"Hey Junhyuk I came back for my wallet I-" then Seonjun also stopped and did a double take.

"JunJun can- I can uuuh.... I can explain"

"I c-can explain..."

He burst into tears.

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