Chapter 5: Mommy's Little Girl

Start from the beginning

"Why did you imprint on me? I mean we barely know each other" I get straight to the point.

I look at the rear view mirror to see his cheeks turn a little red. "Wow, you cut straight to the point" he paused, nervously laughing. "Did the lads tell you?" I nodded. "Hmm... its really complicated" he avoids my question.

"Don't give me the 'it's complicated' crap, after being thrown in this mess I think I deserve a little explanation" I growl.

"I'm not giving you crap, it's just that I'd prefer you don't know my reasons" he mumbles.

"Fair enough" I sigh as I pull into his driveway. Niall gets out of the car and walks to my window, knocking on the glass. I roll down the window.

"I'm sorry" He apologizes.

"Just, don't" I hold my hand up and back out of the drive way.


After a long morning, I decide to finally show up at home. When I get into the house, I hear a loud shatter echo through out the walls. I quickly drop everything and bolt up the stairs and into Michael's room. What I see before my eyes is a horror that shatters my reality.

My mom is lying on the floor, motionless. Glass decorates the carpet around her as I kneel down next to her lifeless body, "Mom!" I shout. No answer. Her chest slowly stops rising and falling, her last breath releasing into the air. "Mom!" This time I cry out her name as I cradle her fragile head in my arms.

My fingers shakily pull out my phone and dial 911. "Hello operator, what is your emergency?" A young women's voice says through the phone.

Tears brim my eyes, "M-my mom, she's not breathing! Help m-me!" I cry into the phone.

"What is your location?" she asks.

"34 bedford Av, Mattawa" I choke through the phone.

"Okay, we are sending an ambulance your way. Hold on" She reassures me and then the line is dead. I drop the phone on the ground and begin to do CPR. My hands shake violently as I press down on her chest.

"Mom, please don't do this!" Tears drop on her face as I continue to press on her chest. "Mom!" I scream. She doesn't respond, her chest doesn't rise and fall, her beautiful blue eyes don't open. Loud sirens appear in my drive way followed by the voices of men and women barging in the house. "I'm up here!" I shout.

Two men and a women rush to my side and take over. The women checks her pulse, "She's weak, step on it!" she and the men carry my mom's lifeless body onto the bed strap and haul her into the ambulance. I weakly follow them into the ambulance. The women looks at me with confusion, "Are you a relative of hers?" she asks.

Tears blur my vision, "I-I'm her daughter"

The two men strap a heart monitor to my mom and the monitor begins to beep. They apply a gas mask to her mouth and begin to stabilize her heart beat. "Does your mother have any allergies, medical conditions?"

I shake my head, "No, I-I don't think so. I just came home and saw her on the-" I choke with a painful lump in my throat.

"Don't worry, we'll do everything we can" She smiles at me before the heart monitor ends in an endless beep. "She's going into cardiac arrest!"

"Mom!" My cries echo as everything goes silent.

You know that moment when your life flashes before your eyes right before you die? My mom is my life, my world, my everything. It seems she was flashing before my eyes, all of our memories and smiles role play through my head. She was dying and slowly killing me inside. I couldn't imagine my future without her, it was mentally and physically impossible.

One man brings out the chargers used to send electric pulses through your heart. I watch as he rubs them together, "Give me 300 watts of power" he demands. He slowly presses the metal plates to her chest. A loud thump jerks her body up and she hits the strap bed with harsh force. "Give me 400" he demands again. He presses the plates to her chest again, her body tossing up and down like a ragged doll. "500" he says. He presses the slates to her chest. Suspense stops my tears for a fraction of a second.

The heart monitor.... continues to echo an endless beep. My mom, my world, it's all gone. "No!" I effortlessly try to run to her pale body only to be held back by the women and the other man. Uncontrollable sobs invade the silence. Everything went numb and my knees collapse to the floor as I cry to my mother.

"Time of death, 1:39 pm" The man looks at his watch, sympathy in his eyes. The loud sirens stop, leaving my screams and cries to be heard through out the hospital parking lot.

When they finally let me go, I cradle my mother's limp body in my arms. My tears caress her face, her cold and pale face. "You can't leave me, please come back. I still need you" I whisper into her ear. It would take a miracle for her to return by unlike those realities, miracles don't exist in mine.

"Excuse me miss, but we need you to fill out these forms" The women taps me on my shoulder. I turn to her with blood shut eyes.

"How dare you act like she's just another failure, she's my mother. She's ripped from my arms and all you care about is filling out a bunch of stupid forms" I hiss with shaken anger. The women looks at me with sad eyes and nods, placing the forms on a counter beside the bed in the ambulance. I turn back to my mom, "and h-how dare you l-leave me behind" I hiccup in her chest.

The moment after I lay my head in her chest, is a moment that changes everything. It's the moment I realize I will never get to see my mom again.


Sorry if it seemed rush but it was for Rose's own good. Although I'm feeling very sad for taking Rose's mom away :(

Let me know what you thought and please comment, vote, and share !!!! <3

Thanks so much

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