I had finished getting ready when I opened my door and saw a very pissed of Michael standing at my door way. I had two choices one I could make this worse or two find out what crawled up his and died.

I chose option number two since I really had no interest in getting into a real fight right at the moment.

“Oh what can I do for you, oh beta Michael?” I asked him as I bowed to him

Yes I was being a sarcastic little shit but my father had pissed me off and I could feel both my wolf and my vampire wanting to get out and it was taking everything I had inside of me not to lose control of them.

“What the hell was that Lizzy, you know he is an alpha and I don’t care if he is your father or not, the same rules apply to you as well.”

I looked at him like he was truly stupid and I couldn’t believe no one had figured it out yet. Yes my father was an alpha but for some reason I was a stronger alpha than him. I had no idea why this was or how I knew but pretty soon there was going to be a showdown and I would win and I had no idea how this would affect my relationship with my parents.

“For your little information I can do what the hell I want to do. He was barley there for me for my first eight years of my life and then he disappeared completely. And don’t give me that look Michael because let’s face it. If he wanted me and loved me that damn bad he would have come back.” I yelled at him

I was so pissed of right now and I didn’t know how much longer I could keep them back. They both wanted out and wanted to prove to everyone here that they were the powerful. But I couldn’t let that happen because in the mood all three of us were in someone would die.

I couldn’t have that blood on my hands. I was just about to punch a freaking hole through my wall when I heard the fighting sounds outside. I could tell it wasn’t training and with one sniff I knew the rouges were trying to get past the barrier.

I ran to my window and took one look at Michael and then jumped, I could hear Michael screaming and shouting at me for what I had done but I needed this and no one and I do mean no one was going to stop me.

I landed on my feet bent down on my legs and for some reason my wolf was telling me not to shift and I instantly agreed with her. Something was going on and I had a feeling that whoever this new bad guy was he was waiting for me to shift.

Too bad he had no clue what he was dealing with. I looked up to the battle and saw everyone’s eyes on me, some in shock, and some in lust. I then remembered I only had on a pair of training shorts that were black and my red sports bra. I was bare foot And I didn’t care, the rouges were going to die.

I smirked at the rouges and I watched their eyes, some had uncertainty wondering how someone could survive a thirty foot drop without a scratch. But the other ones, the stupid ones saw it as a challenge and started to charge me.

When I was about ten I remembered being in the attic and seeing from my window all the warriors and the guards training and soon I was learning as well. As I got older I snuck in a dvd player in my room and found some dvd’s that could teach you how to fight.

And once a week I would go see Sensei Lee Wong and he would teach me new technics and pretty soon by the time I left I had about four different black belts in different styles of fighting. I never used them because I knew all the fighting wouldn’t protect me from an angry wolf.

But now I was a wolf or at least part of one and I had no problems showing what my master had taught me. I waited till they were about fifteen feet away from me and I could hear wolfs yelling at me to run to safe myself and I just laughed. I was no longer the innocent girl they hoped I would be.

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