What is the best and worst part of being a writer?

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Best part:

I say creating your own world. Letting your ideas flow and in a way making them come to life in the world you actually live in. Reading people's comments about your work. Most of all sharing parts of yourself and interacting with readers.

Worst part:

The writer's block or the opposite which I call the writer's zone. Most writers I know on here personally get to a point when ideas are not flowing or there seems to be a lack of motivation to write. At times life itself gets in the way of writing our perfectly controlled works. The other case is where I am right now I have my books, Knight of Shadows and the Knights of Shadows (sequel to Knight of Shadows), I have ideas for both books flowing and getting intertwined so I have to draw a dividing line between the two books in a way that book 1 leads to book 2 but doesn't take too much away from book 2. My solution was to finish the final chapter of the first book. Another part that is hard is the initial publishing overthinking if anyone will read or even like your work. There is a point in writing where you start seeing it as an art; you start to critic your work harshly and do extensive research to make it realistic but keep the originality of your own thoughts.


I know the worst part looks longer but keep in mind writing is fun and work. Whenever you get to the writing is art stage go ahead and do the research but don't withhold the chapters from the eager readers either. Don't be afraid to publish I mean look at my books they have so many reads and votes now that I published the chapters. If you don't give your own books a shoot how can anyone else? Maybe what you are writing is exactly what some readers were looking for. When you have writer's block just sit your little butt down, start writing anything, and you will soon find ideas or motivation you didn't have a few moments ago. When you have an overload of ideas write them down and either organize them or do so later. Also, the order you write your book or works doesn't have to be front to back it could be back to front, middle to end then start or vice versa. You are the writer you make the decisions there is no right or wrong.

ps, you could increase your votes and reads by doing so yourself. Wattpad lets you read through your book and count that once on your reads and you can easily be the first to vote your works.

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