A Romantic Look Into the Future

Start from the beginning

          This was something common for them, the teasing. They had a very odd relationship. The man was teasingly cocky and his wife? His wife was a strong spirit, a force to be reckoned with. She kept him in line.

          “Killer legs?”

          “Oh, please. You know it’s true.”

The man simply laughed, but then sobered up again as he prepared to ask his wife a question. “Hey…do you really want kids right now? I think we’re at a good time in our life. Alhamdulillah we’re financially stable. My family lives near us. Your family is only a few states over. What do you say?”

          The woman thought about that. “The only thing is, are we mature enough to handle a child? Once we bring a child into the world, we are signing up for life to take care of it.”

          “I think we could do it.”

          “I think we can too, but there’s just so much that goes into it. And I don’t think I can handle the stress of working a job and being a mother. I want to wait a while. I kind of want to get to a more stable point in my career where I can take maternity leave without worrying about my job.”

          The man nods understandingly. “I understand. Besides, I think we’re a little babied out. With my sister and her husband with their kid and your brother and his wife expecting another…I think we have our hands full just being an aunt and uncle.”

          “Yeah, but I’m the cooler one. I buy them healthy chocolate stuff.”

          “Whatever. They like me better because I give them piggyback rides. Besides, I’ve known my sister’s kid longer than you have.”

          “Doesn’t matter.” The woman retorts. “Remember the first time I came to dinner? I was such a G. Little kids love me. I’m on my cool J. I get what you get in ten years in two days.” She grins at her witticism.

          The man simply laughs. “Ok. Whatever.” He holds her closer and for a few minutes, they sit there contently, listening to their hearts beating in synch.

          The woman stares up at the twinkling stars and the breathtaking moon. Thank You, God, for giving me this infuriating, amazing, beautiful, cocky man. I love him with all my heart. Thank You.

          The man was thanking God as well as he reached down and pressed his lips to his wife’s. Their love for each other brimmed and threatened to burst their hearts open.

Couple #3

          The newly-pregnant woman about twelve-hundred miles away from the second couple slowly walks out to the gazebo in the backyard. Her husband is nervously setting up dinner for two. As he slips a lone red rose into a thin vase and straightens his button-down shirt, he catches sight of his glowing wife.

          His breath catches in his throat as he soaks in the sight of her. She’s wearing the dress he bought for her. A breezy white, ruffled cotton dress that compliments her glowing brown skin, full, rosy lips and calls attention to the pearl earrings in her ears and the thick wavy hair flowing behind her back.

          “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” The man clears his throat as the woman flashes him a gorgeous, radiant smile, her high cheekbones highlighting her twinkling big, brown eyes.

          “You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met.” She approaches him. He didn’t know she was pregnant yet. The only person she had told so far was her sister-in-law, but that was because she wanted an idea as to how to surprise her husband.

Various One-Shots from 'Confessions of a Muslim Girl'Where stories live. Discover now