A Romantic Look Into the Future

Start from the beginning

          “Mommy! Daddy!” A small child with long flowing hair stands in a nightgown on the porch, next to the rocker, her chubby hands cocked on her small hips. “I hafta pee!”

          The woman and the man jump apart, like teenagers caught kissing. They share a guilty glance, though this isn’t the first time their daughter has caught them. “Coming, sweetie.” The woman hurriedly gets up, straightening her clothes and gathering the mugs. The man folds up the blanket they were sitting on.

          As they both go in, the husband can’t help but smile at his daughter’s innocence. “You and Mommy kiss a lot.” She says a matter-of-factly as the man helps his daughter use the bathroom. The woman washes the mugs in the kitchen.

          “You just see us a lot, Princess.”

          “Hey, Daddy?” The beautiful little girl, with her button nose and pink lips inherited from her mother and her eyes inherited from her father starts washing her hands.

          “Yes, Princess?”

          “Do you think one day a boy will love me like you love Mommy?” She dries her hands with a towel and then fixes her wide eyes on her tall father. Golden green eyes stare into golden green eyes.

          The man picks up his gorgeous little girl and carries her back to her room bridal style. “I know that you’ll find a boy that loves you as much as I love Mommy. But not for a long, long time.” The little girl’s pink lips start to form in a pout. “Now don’t get too upset. The longer he takes the come, the more time you can spend me with me. Think about all those ice cream cones we’ll be eating together by then!” The man grins and kisses his daughter’s smooth forehead.

          “Yay! Night, Daddy. I love you.” The small girl closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.

          “Love you too, Princess.” The man walks out of the room, gently shutting the door, thanking God with every step he takes.

Couple #2

          The next couple is a few states over, sitting on a beach, the silver moon coating the sand they sit on. They’re arguing. “It was totally your fault. The can was totally uncalled for.”

          The man groans. “Babe, what do you want me to say? I’m sorry. It was a really stupid idea. But hey, I got to meet you, right?”

          Laughing, the woman shakes her head. “I was just teasing. I’ll never let you live that down. I’ll be sure to tell our kids and our grandkids about that.”

          The mention of kids has the man smirking. “Are you implying you intend to have lots of kids?”

          With cheeks ablaze, the woman attempts to regain her composure. “Don’t you want a lot of kids?”

          Grinning at the sky, the man wraps his arms around his wife of one year. “Depends. With you, hell yes. But as long as they get most of my genes, they’re fine. They’d have the looks, the personality….”

          The woman snuggles in her husband’s arms, smirking at the water that rolling white, foamy waves towards them. She innocently lifts her right arm and gently elbows her husband in the chest. He coughs in protest. “Cocky much?”

          He kisses her neck, not missing how she intakes a sharp breath. “Only with you.”

          “I think the kids should look like me. Great personality, great looks, killer legs, hella smart….”

Various One-Shots from 'Confessions of a Muslim Girl'Where stories live. Discover now