Chapter Two

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Bella was nervous. The Volturi were finally coming to check and make sure she wasn't human. She knew everything would be fine. She was a vampire now and she had her amazing mate and husband, Edward, by her side. Sure, they had a lot of ups and downs, but here they were.

"Bella love." Speak of the angel.

"Yes Edward?" Arms wrapped around her waist.

"There's no reason to be nervous love. You're a vampire now, and, once the Volturi see that, they'll leave and we can go back to our honeymoon." That was definitely something she was looking toward to. For the first part of their honeymoon, Bella had been human, but then they had to come home and prepare for the arrival of the ruling vampire clan. Now that Bella was a vampire, the second part of the honeymoon was going to be so much better.

She turned around to look at the god behind her and knew that he was the only man she would ever love, "I know that, I just can't shake the feeling that something's about to happen."

"Your birthday is coming up soon, maybe that's what you're so nervous about."

"If I was still human, I'd be nineteen." He kissed me softly.

"Do you regret it?"

"The only thing I regret is not being able to get to you sooner. I feel like, before the year I decided to move to Forks, I was asleep, and then I woke up and realized that I was meant to be somewhere else; with someone else. And I found you." The next kiss wasn't as gentle as the other one. In fact, it was so not-gentle that the husband and wife were not interrupted for the next few hours. That poor book shelf...

The lovers were drawn from their own little world when a knock sounded on their bedroom door, "It's time." Alice, of all people, knew not to open the door.

Bella sighed but slowly got up. They put on their clothes with a few distractions on the way. They made their way outside just in time for Alice say, "Two seconds."

Exactly two seconds later, the three kings stood in front of the family. Aro was the first to speak, "Immortality is really becoming of you Isabella."

"Thank you Aro." She replied politely.

Before anything else could be said, Marcus gasped which shocked his brother's.

"What is it brother?" Caius asked while Aro simply took Marcus's outstretched hand. The unnerving thing though, was that he was staring at Bella the entire time. The family all noticed it and moved to stand in front of her even though she was still a newborn and stronger than all of them.

"Well that's new." Aro said while smiling in Bella's direction.

"No!" Edward screamed, finally understanding what was going on, "You're wrong!"

"Edward son," Carlisle said while laying a hand on Edward's shoulder, "what is going on?"

Edward just shook Carlisle's hand off, shocking everyone. Something really serious had to have happened for Edward to do that.

"My gift does not lie." Marcus said firmly. For the first time in hundreds of years, something other than boredom shone in his eyes. Noticing this, Aro made a decision that had Alice quietly groaning.

"It seems that you are even more special as a vampire than I thought you would be Isabella. We will be staying around to see what other spectacular things you are capable of. Goodbye Cullen family, we will see each other very soon." The brothers and guards all turned around and ran to someplace not far away enough in Edward's opinion.

"Care to explain?" Rosalie asked Edward frustrated.

"Marcus's power is malfunctioning. There's nothing to explain." His lips were in a tight line. It was very obvious that there was something to explain.

"If there's nothing to explain, why do you feel like he just murdered Bella and you're about to go after him?" Jasper wasn't frustrated like his "twin", but he was curious.

"Nothing is wrong. Please just stop asking." He disappeared into the woods and Bella knew exactly where he was going. She also knew that he needed her and she needed to know what just happened. She went after him, leaving her confused family behind.

She could hear him pacing back and forth at a speed too fast for humans in their cottage. She went inside and immediately hugged him, "What's wrong Edward?"

He hugged her back tight enough that she would bruise if she still could, "You love me, right Bella? You know that we're mates and meant to be together. You won't leave me."

"Edward! Of course I love you! You are my mate and that means that we are meant to be. What's brought all of this on?"

He sighed and laid his chin on top of her head, "Marcus saw our bond before, when I went to... when I thought you were gone." She knew the reason he didn't say it out loud was because of her. She hated when he talked about almost killing himself, "When he looked today... there was nothing. Our bond as mates was gone. I can't loose you Bella. You are my light in the darkness called eternity."

"We don't need a bond to keep us together Edward. Let's say that it is gone: so what? You love me right?" At his confirmation she continued, "And I love you. That is all we need. I don't need a bond telling me that you're perfect for me, I already know that."

"What if you find someone else?"

"That could never happen."

The two stayed wrapped in each others arms for half an hour before Alice, once again, ruined their alone time, "Come one Bella. We have to get you a dress for your birthday!"

"That's in two days Alice." Bella groaned. She appreciated fashion more now, but she would rather do something else with Edward right now.


The two girls left the cottage together and didn't even notice the woman watching them.

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