"So Fury gave us some bad news." he decided to start off with. Smart plan. Blame it on Fury. "Looks like we need some help on the Hydra case."

"Which case?"

"The erm... well, all of them?" Pepper raised an eyebrow, urging Tony to continue silently. Tony sighed. "Fury wants us to go to Wakanda and bring Barnes back here."

Pepper's eyes widened. "He wants you to what?"

"Yeah." Tony winced. "That's the plan."

"And is he going to be staying here?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah. Steve wants to be close to him and Fury thinks the tower is the only stable place that can hold him---"

"No, I'm not talking about Barnes." Pepper cut him off. "Barnes staying here was a given. I'm talking about Peter."

Tony looked at her in confusion. "Peter?"

"Yes, our son. Peter." Pepper said, rolling her eyes when she realized that Tony had no clue what she was talking about. "Honey, Peter is going to want to go with you."

"Well he's not coming." Tony said firmly. "There is no way---"

"Where am I not going?" a voice asked from behind him. Tony let out a very manly screech as he flipped his head around to see Peter standing in the doorway of Pepper's office looking very confused.

"Nowhere!" Tony cried. "See? Works. You're not going nowhere."

"Was I supposed to go somewhere?"


"What about anywhere?"

"What? No. You're not going anywhere. You going nowhere."

"But what if I want to nowhere and I have to go to anywhere instead?"

"What? That doesn't even make sense. I just told you where you're going and that's nowhere."

"And how far away is that from here?"

"Literally no distance."

"Wait is nowhere here?"


"Does that mean I went to nowhere?"


"You said I was not going nowhere. That means I went somewhere. I'm sorry Dad, I didn't mean to break your rules---"

"Peter stop trying to give your father an aneurysm." Pepper said, stifling a smile at the banter between the duo. By now Tony was staring at Peter with a scrunched up expression and she knew that he was trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

"But it's fuuuun." Peter whined, collapsing into the seat next to Tony's. He gave him a shit-eating-grin. Tony just glared.

"You little shit." he said. "How dare you?"

Peter just grinned. "You're welcome." he said. "So. Where am I not supposed to go?"


Peter scrunched up in his face in distaste. "Why would I want to go there?" he asked. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Aside from the fact that it is the most technologically advanced country in the world?" he asked. Peter's eyebrow raised. "We're going to get somebody."


Tony looked at Pepper, an obvious 'help me' expression on his face. Pepper just shrugged and gestured and Tony had to bite back a scoff. "Um... somebody." Tony settled on. Peter grinned.

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