5. Wool coats and leather jackets

Start from the beginning

"Ah ! I knew it ! You like Alex ! Oh boy I hope the scotch doesn't make me forget that, I have to remember that ! This is beautiful, I've got enough to tease you till the end of time. I'm going to get him to ask you out somehow. Maybe he'll manage to get you to calm down about your promotion a bit. Ooooh yes ! You two are gonna be great together and I'm gonna help him out."



"Are you drunk ?"

"Not yet. Wait ! Even if I can't remember, you can ! This is both terrible and amazing ! I mean, I don't want you to remember the stupid stuff I said, but please remember to remind me of all Asterin has said !"

"Lizzy B, I swear I'll remember everything. Particularly the part where you like how I look in a leather jacket."

"I don't know what the fuck is happening mate, but I'm gonna leave you alone."

"Byeee Ash!"

"G'bye Ellie, try not to drink too much cause if you compliment James again he may pass out."

Blythe barely heard James' complaint as she burst out laughing. Asterin jabbed her finger dangerously close to Lis' eye.

"If you say one word, one word about tonight to Alexander I will skin you !" She turned towards the mobile phone. "And you, stop yapping ! You're giving me a headache ! We all know you like Lis anyway. Just ask her out already ! I need another drink ! Can you get me a drink ?" she asked the phone.

"No chuckaboo no more drinks. I'm still sober enough to ride my bike and I ain't letting you take the tube alone this late and in this state. I promise I won't tell Alex don't worry. I'm going to need to get you home now, put your coat back on."

"I'm guessing we're not continuing this conversation?"

"Nope, sorry bye."

Lis hung up on him and sighed as she paid the bartender.

"Boy, our next boxing practice is going to be awkward. Come one then Black. You're lucky I always have a spare helmet and I know your address."

Asterin looked at her friend strangely. "How are you sober ? I feel like there is whiskey flowing through my veins ! Well it technically is the case, I guess..." As Lis helped her up she yawned and smiled apologetically. "Sorry I picked up, Lis. I am terrible, I'll do whatever you want."

"I'm used to scotch, drank all the time with my pops back then. Don't worry you're not terrible, but I'm definitely gonna pick you up on that offer at some point." She put the helmet on her friend's head and on her own. Once she was done, she hoisted Asterin on her motorbike. "Whatever you do hold on tight till I get you home."


The next morning, Asterin felt like her head would explode. It was pounding so hard she could almost feel her blood pumping through. She was currently sitting in front of her computer drinking her sixth cup of coffee and trying her hardest to complete her report. Why on earth did she drink that much ? She sighted and resumed her typing. She was almost halfway through it when she heard someone clear their throat. Asterin almost groaned when she saw it was Thornhood. Why did he have to be everywhere ?

"What do you want." she snapped.

"Well, someone had a rough time getting up. Drank too much ?"

She wanted to smack his smirk right off. And it didn't help that, for some reason, she couldn't stop thinking of last night's conversation. Did he really want to spend time with her?

"Wow. Cat got your tongue, Black ? Or are you just admiring me ?"

She glared at him. Of course it meant nothing, he was just there to annoy her.

"Get out of here before I throw you out the window." she said through gritted teeth.

"Why, this is my workplace, Tessi darling ! Besides, best not to cause mayhem, captain wants to see us."

Asterin held back her acid remark.

"What ?"

"Maybe he wants to announce I got the promotion," he shrugged. "Come on, I'll escort you !"

Alexander held out his hand mockingly, a smile tugging on his lips. Black slapped it away and strode towards her superior's office without even bothering to check if Thornhood was following her.

When they arrived in front of the captain's office, Alexander opened the door and held it open for her with a sickly sweet smile. She brushed past him with a glare that she swiftly concealed under a carefully composed polite expression.

"Greetings Captain Johnson, you asked for us ?" she asked.

"Yes, I did. You both know of the opening for the detective chief inspector promotion, and are both very promising detectives in your own area."

Asterin tensed considerably at these words but kept the pleasant expression up.

"Thank you, Captain." she and Alexander said at the same time. They shared a look before looking back at their boss expectantly.

"To be frank, I have trouble deciding which of you both will get the job." Johnson said, staring at the both of them.

Black wasn't even sure she was breathing anymore. Alexander's hands were fidgeting nervously in his back, a habit he had when he was nervous.

"But I came up with a solution. You are going to work on a big case as partners and I will decide during the investigation, which of you is the fittest for the job."

Alexander's hands suddenly stopped moving. Asterin could not stop herself from frowning.

"Excuse me sir, I understand your decision, but do we have to be partners ? If it's detective Blythe's case, surely it isn't a problem if we work separately under her orders ?" she said calmly in hopes of changing his mind.

"We wouldn't want to go against the captain's orders, now would we Black ?" interjected Alexander who looked like he just ate something very bitter.

"I am afraid you are going to operate together for this case, detective Black."

Lis chose this moment to come in.

"Hello there Captain, I feel like I'm interrupting something, why did you call me?"

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