My Best Friend

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When I was a little girl, my best friend Seb and I decided we'd come up with three rules that would bind us as friends until the day we'd die. What were the rules? Well they were quite simple really.

The first rule was to always make time for each other. This was probably the easiest rule for me, and it was the hardest to break.

Now the second rule was where things got a little more complicated. Never cause the other any harm. This was more for my sake to be honest, after all Seb was a vampire.

But it was the final rule that you would think would be the easiest to abide to, but it wasn't. Always forgive each other, no matter what. Oh how naive I was when I was twelve.

But it wasn't easy. How could I think it would be? When I first met the vampire in question, he was hidden in the shed at the back of the garden. I just wanted a watering can, but instead I found a vampire feasting on Ginger, my black cat.

I remember how he cornered me, a screaming little girl, begging me to calm down. Our meeting isn't my favourite memory really. I loved that cat. But Seb promised to be Ginger's replacement, and he stuck to that. Of course he didn't become my pet, now that would be silly. He became my friend.

Now remember those rules I mentioned before? We both broke them. I met a boy, and Seb didn't like that. He didn't like that at all. First rule gone.

And how did he react you ask? He gave into his animalistic instincts, and just like the day I met him, he cornered me. I remember how his fangs pierced my skin, how I became lightheaded when he wiped those scarlet drops from his lips. He harmed me. Not only physically, but mentally.

I died that day. The next time I opened my eyes, Seb was in front of me, his head in his hands.
"I'm sorry, so sorry" I never liked that third rule anyway.

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