Back From The Dead

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  Amelia helps Ava get off the bed and on to the wheelchair to go home. While Amelia was helping her Ava then said:" Can I tell you something, mom?" Amelia replies: "Yes, sure dear what's wrong?" Ava then tells her what she told Alex when there were trapped that she was the reason she awakened and gave the demonic presence more power over the house and that she's the first one who opened the chest that had the book inside.

  Amelia tells her that it's okay and everything will be fixed and that it's not her fault Ava's face still had the appearance of a guilty person then Amelia tells her:" You should tell your father about this and get it out from your chest." Ava nods in approval. Amelia then orders an uber to go back home.

  They all meet back home. They all sit in the living room then Alexander stood up and said:" Does anyone wanna say anything before we start doing something?" Amelia then looks at Ava trying to tell her to say what she wanted to say. As Alexander was going to start talking Ava says that she wanted to say something she then tells the story to her dad. After she finished she starts crying but then Alexander goes and hugs her and then tells her:" You are the bravest girl. I am not mad or sad the idea that you're paralyzed which makes anyone vulnerable and depressed you are not thinking about it but thinking about how to fix what you did means a lot to me and proves to me that I educated you well for life." Ava then smiles and stops crying.

  William then stands beside Alexander, Alexander then says:" Me and William found the answer to how to stop this we need the brain and the heart we have the heart which is the book but we don't know anything about that book and the brain is in the underground mansion which might be the tall strange mirror there. So we're going to end this soon." Alexander gets interrupted by a phone call.

  It was doctor Jackson the owner and manager of the asylum where Kevin was taken to. Alexander excuses everyone and answers the phone, he said:" Hello doctor is everything okay?" Jackson says:" Well there something strange happening now." Alexander asks:" What is it? Did you find something about the strange murder of Kevin." Jackson said:" Not exactly a few minutes ago strange lady which looked so familiar came in she asked about Kevin she said that he's her brother." Alexander starts getting confused and doesn't talk for a few seconds then says:" I and William will be on our way."

  William asks Alexander:" What happened Alexander?" Alexander then answers in a shock saying:" If what's in my mind right, someone is back from the dead." William then understands what Alexander was trying to say he then tells him to go and crack the mystery.

  Alexander and William reach the asylum. Doctor Jackson was waiting for them outside the building.

  He shakes hands with them and then says:" This woman there is something behind her she came she looks familiar to me and then after I think of her she says that she came to take Kevin and take care of him it's so strange and creepy." William asks:" What's her name?" Jackson says:" Emily Patrick. I saw her identification card it's perfectly right, nothing false." Alexander started getting goosebumps and complicated thoughts.

  They go into the room where doctor Jackson kept her until they arrive. As Alexander and William go in they immediately recognize that she was Isabella she had the same appearance but older than the form that was taken by the demon. They didn't tell each other anything or spoil that they know the truth.

  William asks her few questions like where she was from and did she know that her brother was here and how did she know that. She answers:" I've lived in France for a long time I left since I was a kid but things happened that made my brother disappear suddenly we never knew he was here." Alexander interrupts saying: "Who's we?" she doesn't talk or say anything for few seconds then says:" My parents my dad and mom." Alexander then says:" You're lying!" she then replies:" Excuse me what? You don't believe me?" Alexander then says:" I know that you're lying Isabella." she starts panicking and sweating.

  Alexander then asks:" How are you still alive? We've been looking all over for you, everyone thought you were dead Isabella including me because I am the one who's in the curse that you started. So tell me what exactly happened."

  Isabella takes a long breath and then says:" Promise me you won't tell anyone the truth about my identity or anything." Alexander promises her as long as she helps him and tells him the real story.

  Isabella starts telling her story and remembering her flashbacks:" First when I got the book everything was okay nothing was going wrong until I opened it I unleashed a powerful demon it possessed me since the beginning it was a horrible feeling I saw everything happen in my eyes but I couldn't control my body or my mind. It was like I was lucid dreaming but without any control, I saw myself killing my parents my real parents and making things float and me floating. It was so horrible it was like I was trapped in my eyes just watching everything and the Volron came every few hours and he hurts me and says strange words I couldn't look at him. He was eating me alive feeding on my soul. After I killed my family and scared Kevin, I woke up in a forest when it was sunshine the next day but it was me I was controlling myself it was like I was never possessed. I found a good man who took me on his way and helped me go back home. As I got there I found the police everywhere and taking dead bodies at that moment I remembered what happened and realized that I was the reason they died or sometimes I thought I am the one who killed them for nothing. And found Kevin taken by the police and put into the asylum's car I knew the name of the asylum and everything from then but had nothing to help Kevin with. So I decided to start a new life I went to an orphanage house where there was that good humble man there. Until one day a french family came, they were quite rich and they chose me. And that is my story I lived in France for a few years built myself again and came back to take my brother and to tell him my story and apologize to him. That's everything."

  Alexander and William felt bad for her they then told her their story and what happened to Kevin. She bursts into tears for her brother. Alexander then tells her:" Well, before you leave England again I just want you to help me and tell me exactly what happened and what did you hear when you were possessed." Isabella accepts then Alexander and William take her with them back home.

  Isabella goes into the house she starts remembering flashbacks of her childhood and how things were good before the accident. Alexander introduces her to his family. She was happy to know new people it was William's turn to be introduced to her Alexander introduces him to her then says:" Well, of course, you know William by now but yes he's not from the family but for what he did to help me you can say he's a member of the family from now on." William smiles and felt deep down inside of him of the friendship between him and Alexander and then said:" Let's get to work and end this."


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