Ghosts In The Dark

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  Alexander tells William to stop the car as they arrive at Alexander's home, he gets out of the car quickly and runs to make sure his family is okay he opens the door and goes in quickly hoping they are okay.

  He finds Amelia with Alex between her hands he asks her crying:" What happened? Is she alive?" she answers:" Yes, she is. She's just unconscious she'll wake up anytime now.". Alexander gets down on his knees thanking god after a few seconds William comes in and checks if everything is okay, Alexander then introduces William to his family they all appreciate his help Amelia then tells William:" You can stay with us for the night because it's getting pretty dark out there." William then says:" No, Miss Alexander I don't want to make any of you uncomfortable while I stay so I'll leave now hope everything becomes okay." As William was leaving Alexander grabs his hand and tells him:" Stay I need you, you're welcomed here as a member of the family." William then helps Alexander get up and they go to Alexander's home office to plan what's their next step.

  The clock rings the bell that it's midnight, Alexander tells William:" I'll go make some coffee you need some?" William answers:" Yeah, that will be really nice.". Alexander then goes to the kitchen and puts the coffee in the coffee machine, when coffee is all served up he pours it in the cups but then Amelia's book which was on the table behind him falls to the floor he turns around and picks it up and puts back on the table again as he was going to turn back to the cups he sees a shadow on the wall in front of him he walks slowly towards it and checks the corners if it was William but it was not him. The shadow was of a man Alexander starts getting creeped out so he turns off the sidelight and the shadow disappears he goes back to the office and tells William what happened.

  William starts feeling confused and overthinking so Alexander asks him:" Are you okay? What's on your mind?" William answers:" Kevin told us that the one who got cursed and possessed was his sister Isabella. So who's ghost did you see?" Alexander freezes for few seconds in terror and fear of what William was thinking of, he then puts his coffee down and tells William that he needs a nap. He shows William the guest room if he wants to sleep and then leaves.

  As Alexander was sleeping he dreams of what Kevin told him he dreams of what he told him:" My father and my mom were already dead after the lights came back." and dreams of the files that he read before going to Kevin which said that Kevin's parents were found killed. He wakes up in from the nightmare and takes his breath he then says to himself:" I got it." he gets up and it was 8 AM and goes to wake up Williams. Alexander tells William:" Hey, wake up I think I understand what happened yesterday." William wakes up quickly and makes a cup of coffee and then sits with Alexander to discuss what happened.

  Alexander says:" Well the shadow that I saw yesterday, it's Matt Boyle's shadow." William replies by asking him:" Wait, do you mean that Isabella's father died but his soul is still in the house?" Alexander answers:" Yes, that's exactly what I mean." William then asks again:" But, how did this idea get to you?" Alexander then tells him about the dream that he had, William then says:" If what you are saying is right I think we're halfway through. I think we should go back to the place where you found Matt's shadow." they drink their coffee and go to the part of the house where Alexander found him for the first time.

  William and Alexander sit for three hours straight waiting for the shadow to come back. William then asks Alexander:" Why doesn't it come?" Alexander makes a gesture that he doesn't know. William then stands up and says:" Mr. Matt please we need your help sir help us find the book or anything sir please." the house was silent for few seconds as everyone was asleep except them, but then Alex's letter cubes fall to the ground William and Alexander understand that it's Matt. They go and read the words that the cubes put on together which were:" Down the basement" Alexander and William take a flashlight and they open the basement door and they go down. It was so dark down that the flashlights weren't helping a lot as Alexander was looking around Matt's shadow appears on the area that was lighted the soul raises its hand directing them where to go.

  Alexander and William walk towards the directed way until they reached a strange room which smelled really bad and it was so dusty and the oxygen was so low that William started choking and having trouble breathing. Alexander keeps looking around for a chest until he found the chest. As he goes there and tries to open it and take the book he suddenly feels something or someone exhaling in front of him he starts panicking and slowly raises the flashlight. He finds Isabella with her demonic face and appearance he jumps away from the chest but Isabella kept going towards him then William gets out his crucifix and points it at her she screams so loudly that it hurt their ears so badly. Alexander then opens the chest and gets the book he turns around to leave the basement as quick as possible but he drops his flashlight he gets down on his knees to get it but as he gets out he finds William's face white as if a devil was standing in front of him Alexander asks him:" Are you okay? What's wrong?" William answers slowly and in fear:" Don't... Look... Back... Run quicklyy." Alexander's heart pulse raises after hearing this he gets out his phone as he's standing still he opens the camera and turns on the flash and looks in the camera but there's nothing he then takes a picture. They both run at the same time as fast as they can to get out from the basement as they reach to the door it gets closed the try to break it but failed they call for help then the door is opened by Ava, they get out and close the door behind them and lock it.

  Ava in terror asks them what happened. Alexander then gives her his phone and shows her the photo, Ava becomes scared and terrified by what she saw as she saw a super white face with black eyes bleeding and a scary smiling face with sharp animal teeth covered with blood and a huge cut in both her cheeks and putting her hand on Alexander's shoulder. Ava puts the phone down on the table and goes to wake the others.

  After everyone was awake they all sit at the table and open the book. When they opened the first paper said:" A drop of blood." Alexander makes this move and cuts himself and drops the drop of blood on the book. Nothing happened for few minutes that they thought it didn't work until the window opened from the wind although there wasn't any wind, the words in the book started to appear as it was written in blood. Alexander tells everyone to pray before they start. They all prayed and opened the first page.

Don't look backOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora