The Secret

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Bular had many problems back then, when his father was exiled to the Darklands, when AAARRRGH betrayed him and his father, when he had to work with the pathetic Impures. But there is another problem, his secret: A girl named Tiger Lily! She wasn't human though, her hair was a magna pink, she had a tail, and a pink tiger dress, along with orange eyes, similar to his but different and she had a weird wand that was powerful, but weird to his liking. He found his little secret lying in his nest, reading a book. He couldn't help but smile as he gazed upon her features. He walked to her on all fours. Her ears twitched and she jerked her head to him. "Hi, Bular!" Tiger Lily said, with a smile. He replied, "Hello, Lily." He decided to call her Lily for short. She smiled and went back to her Troll book that Bular gave to her. He smiled and went into the nest next to her. She blushed as he did. He chuckled a little at her red face and said as he nuzzled into her hair, "You are so cute." She blushed more. He smiled and licked her cheek. She giggled as he did. He smiled and pulled her closer to him. She stopped reading and buried her head into his chest. Bular sniffed her and whispered, "You smell so good, little tiger." "Thank you, Bular." Tiger Lily replied. Bular sometimes keeps calling her little tiger, as a sign that he likes her. He put his giant clawed hand onto her back and rubbed it. She sighed quietly as he did. He sighed too and grabbed a huge blanket and pulled it over them, so they won't get cold. Tiger Lily rolled onto her other side and faced the wall. Bular kept stroking her back and her soft, long hair. He went closer to her and buried his head into her back. Tiger Lily closed her eyes as he did. He soon licked her back and she moaned softly. He soon stopped and put one of his clawed hands around her waist. He put his head on top of her head. He then put both of his hands on her waist. "Bular?" Tiger Lily asked. Bular looked down on her and replied, "Yes?" "Will your father accept me?" She asked. His eyes were soon wide with worry, if his father knew he is keeping a human alive, Gunmar will surely make him kill her, or Gunmar will do it himself. Bular didn't want anything happen to his little pet. He sighed and replied, "I don't know, Lily. But if my father will try to hurt you, I will fight him, if I have to." He stroked her hair. Tiger Lily soon turn herself towards him and buried her head into his chest once more and hugged him. Bular nuzzled his nose into her head. "Thank you, Bular." She whispered before she fell asleep. He heard her deep breathing as she slumbers. He licked her forehead and whispered, "You're welcome, my little tiger." He held her closer than ever. He would protect her at all costs. Even if it means his life would be on the line, so be it. He closed his eyes and whispered to her, "I...I love you, Lily." Then he let sleep take over him.

Sorry if the chapter was short and boring. But I hoped you enjoyed! More chapters are on their way! I was gonna add a lyric vid called, "A Thousand Years", that is connected to this story, that explains Bular's love for Tiger Lily. But I don't know on how to add it, so go search it up at YouTube and listen to it. If you know on how to add a YouTube vid to this site, plz help. Once again, thx for reading this and I'll see ya! God bless everyone! Peace! 😍😍😀😄😄😻

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