"Jessica....I mean Jimin" Mrs Park whispered and Jimin went totally cold as he stared at his parents Mr and Mrs Park. His entire body trembled.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" He yelled

Mr Park bent his head. "I know you don't want to see us but please allow us the opportunity to at least see Mr Kim"

Jimin scoffed. "Why? What do you want with him?"

They said nothing just looking at each other with grave expressions on their faces.

He took a heavy breath, his eyes darkening. "Didn't you hear what i said? Get out right now!"

He started moving towards the door. "Nurse! Nurse! Get security"

Hoseok dragged him back stopping him in his track. "What is wrong with you Jimin. Calm down"

Jimin stopped gathering his breath as he glared at them.

"Who are these people?" Hoseok asked.

"We are his parents!" Mrs Park said.

Jimin attacked her immediately "Don't you ever say that again. How can we be related? Aren't you ashamed of me? Don't you want me dead? Don't you wish I was never born? Then why the hell are you here?"

Mrs Park broke into tears at that moment while her husband embraced her. He looked at Jimin with a sad face.

"I know you hate us and want nothing to do with us but we are still your elders. Accord us a little bit of respect!"

"Respect my foot" Jimin sneered.

"Everyone, let's calm down" Hoseok said loudly and they all quietened but Jimin was unable to keep still. He was so upset and itritated by their presence. Hoseok turned to the two elders.

"Can you please tell us what you are doing here? It's been ten years since you abandoned your child. What could you possibly want now"

The old couple looked at each other. Mr Park spoke "We had to come because we where grateful to Taehyung for saving my life"

"What? Why?" Jimin snorted.

Mrs Park continued. "The last time we saw Taehyung was on the day he came to ask us about Jimin. After telling him, he also found out about Mr Park's kidney failure. He seemed pretty angry with us after he discovered we had abandoned Jimin and his unborn child. We where left with nothing but regrets. We had run out of money with no hope to pay for a kidney transplant. We had no where else to go, no one to turn to for help until two weeks after our meeting with Taehyung. He sent us a package with a check of one billion won. inside the package was also a letter he personally wrote. We brought that letter as proof"

Jimin was taken aback as she reached into her bag and brought out a piece of paper. She handed it to him and he took it with trembling hands. He really didn't want to read it but Hoseok silently urged him so he slowly opened the paper and began to read it.

Dear Mr and Mrs Park

After our last meeting, I was indeed angry. There is no amount of explanation you can give for abandoning your child. It was a very heartless thing to do and I find it really hard to forgive you. However, I really hope you are indeed sorry. I met with Jimin and told him about you. I also told him about Mr Park's plight and he was full of bitterness. He didn't even want to hear the mention of your names. Obviously, he's not ready to help you out with your problem. But I know the reason. He's just hurt and full of pain. He suffered a lot because of you and me. However, I don't want Mr Park to die without seeing Jimin and I know that deep down inside, Jimin wouldn't want him to die also which is why I'm going to help you for the sake of my old memories with Jessica and that there was a time you both made me feel what it was like to have a real family. I have given you a cheque of One billion won. I'm sure it's more than enough to take care of your issue. Please do not try contacting me after this. If you ever want to speak to me, talk to Jimin first and apologize to him. Reach out to him and ask him for forgiveness. I have my own personal issues with Jimin which I will deal with accordingly so I won't be able to help. I wish you all the best.

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