18: Again and Again

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Grayson tilts his head, eyes darting toward their calendar on the wall. "Nope, not tonight. Did E say that? He must've gotten the dates mixed up."

She finds that curious, especially with how insistent Ethan was about needing to leave.

"He must've."

Jaw-clenching, Blake says a quick goodbye before walking over to Elaine's. Seeing Bo always puts her in a better mood, and tonight is no different. The dogs ears flop onto her lap as they sit on the couch, petting him and thinking about Ethan. Why would he lie about whatever he's doing? That just screams suspicious.

After a few minutes of contemplating, Blake decides to FaceTime him. It takes a few rings for him to pick up, but he does.

Wherever he is is echoey, evidenced by the yelling in the background amplified. Blake can't see anything but a while wall behind him that he leans on, confused as to why she was calling.

His hair is sweaty and flat, his cheeks are flushed a bright pink, and he's changed to put on a thicker jacket since she last saw him an hour ago. Ethan licks his pink lips, his gaze flicking around the room wherever he is.

"What's up, chérie? Something wrong?"

"Ran into Grayson," Blake says nonchalantly, watching Ethan wince. His calm demeanor falls, mouth dropping open just the slightest bit. "He was at my apartment with Lara. Said there was nothing mandatory tonight?"

"Okay, look..." Ethan frowns, mentally cursing his brother. He isn't even doing anything bad, it's just easier to not get caught in a lie. "It's not mandatory, but it is fraternity stuff. It's a brotherhood event. I wasn't gonna go, but then Chase asked if I was coming and I just said yes."

"And you had to lie to me about it?"

"Well, I--" he pauses, pursing his lips. "It's drunk hockey. I didn't think you'd be cool with me rescheduling plans to drink and do stupid shit."

"So you thought lying to me was a better option? You couldn't just say, 'hey, there's actually a brotherhood event I'd like to go to tonight' instead?" Blake spits, resting her head on her hand. "I don't want to inhibit your social life. I know you do these events to have fun and bond with your brothers. I always wanna see you, but I don't mind rescheduling plans. They weren't even important ones, I wouldn't have cared if you were honest. I don't know what gave you the impression that lying to get out of spending time with me was your best option."

"Well I was kinda trying to avoid an argument," Ethan mutters, his attention being called toward someone yelling to him. "I just thought it would be easier, chérie. I didn't wanna upset you if you knew that's what I was canceling for."

"Where are you getting this idea that I'm so easily offended?"

"Well you're mad at me for this now--"

"This is different!" Blake argues, startling Bo awake. "Sorry, Bo. But, Ethan, you showed up at my apartment after canceling just to get laid, and then lied about where you were going. I hate that we keep arguing about these stupid things, but--"

"Then stop nagging me, damn," he says, eyes immediately widening. "Wait, Blake, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, it's just the alcohol!"

"Have fun playing hockey, Ethan. I will talk to you tomorrow. Be safe."

He lets out a heavy sigh and throws his head back into the wall when she hangs up without another word. He tosses his drink straight into the trash. "God fucking dammit."

Shut Up and Kiss Me || Ethan DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon