tutu torial

38 11 4

its a



requested a hands and a legs drawing tutorial n since i suck at explaining things/putting things into words, i guessed maybe pictures would work better

so idk if this helps but here's it

also i almost cried cuz i deleted the first one[finished] on accident so thats nice

also i almost cried cuz i deleted the first one[finished] on accident so thats nice

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sorry i went a little all over the place with it lol

also sorry if the writing is small/hard to read. you may have to zoom in n i can't solve my bad hand writing problem so um


I'm working on the leg tutorial

its 4am 


you're art (writing, drawing, painting, acting, etc) is fan-friccing-tastic


[edit cuz I'm dumb:

i forgot to add a screenshot of my list i made/am making lol

i just wrote this stuff down cuz i thought it was funny

i just wrote this stuff down cuz i thought it was funny

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any who- ]

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