Chapter One- Just one little glimpse.

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It had been the start of a new school year. I was sitting in the back of lecture hall, lazily taking notes listening to my professor talking. Two other girls were gossiping away next to me, I turned my attention to their conversation.

''I thought this class was meant to be modern history. Why the fuck is he talking about the unification of Prussia?''

''Don't look at me, I am confused about this as the next person'' the other replied. I sighed under my breath, rolling my eyes back towards the ceiling. Perhaps if they did the work outside the class and paid attention they might stand a hope of understanding.

''In order to understand why Germany was a world super power in the 20th century, first we must know what lead it to be in that state, the unification of Prussia was a huge impact upon Europe at that time and the effect that it had were still apparent even a century later''. I said while turning to face the two girls. In response their jaws just dropped.

''How do you understand this stuff?'' the first one asked.

''You sound just like him'' pointing towards the professor replied the second.

''Miss Waters, is there a problem up there?'' The professor asked turning his attention to the back row.

I shook my head and replied ''no Sir just clearing up some questions''. He held my gaze for moment and then went back to teaching the lesson; just as the two girls next to me went back to their gossiping.

I sighed again asking myself why I bothered helping those two. Oh yeah because I hate people getting History wrong. Also Mr Frost trusted me to keep an eye on the students from the back row, I felt like a babysitter sometimes. There was nothing more I wanted than to sit right at the front and listen to the words rolling off his tongue. I really shouldn't have complained as in return for my hawk eyes, Mr Frost helped me with my studies. That meant four hours together alone each week for the next year. It had only been one month but the usual teacher-student relationship seemed to have been developing into something much deeper. At first I had just dropped by his study to go over my articles for the department's journal, however over the weeks we had talked more and more finding that we shared much in common. We shared a love for history; and literature not to mention the same passion for health and fitness. Often we would run into one another in the University's gym. If I hadn't known any better I would have considered us to be friends and nothing more, even the thirty years age gap didn't affected the relationship. I had older friends before now. I had come to the conclusion that since he offered to help me write some of the articles then the feeling between us had to be mutual after all he was willing to spend more time with me outside of class.

I would have lying to myself if I had said I was content with having this sort of relationship. But I knew it was out of the question, he was my professor, a published author and the department head of History at King's College in Cambridge. I on the other hand was just a second year student with a school girl crush.

The end of the lecture rolled around, I took my time gathering up my materials whilst the rest of my class run out of the door. Most of the students weren't even history students; they just had to take the class for their other subjects. If it wasn't for my attraction to Professor Frost then I certainly wouldn't have been top of the class last year in the exams. I slowly walked down the stairs, the heels on my boots clinging against the stone floor. I watched his long elegant fingers collect his notes.

''I hope those two girls aren't distracting you'' He asked.

I once again rolled my eyes and shook my head in response ''I find it rude how they can talk over someone like that''. He raised his head, looking into my eyes. ''I find it rude'' I repeated for dramatic flair, ''you put time and effort into your lectures and they don't even bother battering an eyelash in response'' I said exacerbated.

''Well I am afraid that not everyone finds me as interesting as you seem to'' He spoke with a smile conquering his face, at the same moment I felt a blush across mine. ''You will get used to people being rude if you want to teach, especially at high school. I can't get my mind around why you want to work with children anyhow'' He spoke with a low growl in his throat.

''They aren't all bad'' I replied ''you just haven't met any nice ones''.

''You always find the good in people, that Abigail is your only fault'' He said again with a smile.

''And you sir fail to find the good'' I replied walking towards the door, ''your office then?'' I asked.

''You are eager to get me alone'' He winked at me both opening the door.

''Eager to start on our combine article for the journal'' I said matter-of-factly.

I didn't know at the time if it was only my imagination running away with me but I could have sworn ever since I had blurted out to him that I was single, Frost had been acting differently towards and around me ; friendlier and more personable, boarder line flirtatious in some causes. It was just wishful thinking back then. We silently walked through the empty corridors, our every step falling in line with one another despite the height difference. We turned around a corner and climbed the two flights of stairs. Upon reaching the top, he nearly knocked over two of his other students. They both flashed him a flirty smile and wished him good morning. He returned the gesture, almost bowing his head to them. As we walked past they both let out a giggle and a glance in my direction. I read their minds, it was easy not to. It was open close case with some of the other students. They all believed I was sleeping with him. It would explain my good grades and my interest in the subject as well as we were often found together. Truth be told it was a juicer story than the fact that I actually worked hard for my grades and just happened to share many common likings with my teacher.

We passed yet another stair case where some other history students were standing. I overheard their gossip session, nothing new just about Frost and me. How we were nearly always together, how laughter sometimes was heard coming from his office and how he probably his way with me bent over his desk in between lectures. I wouldn't have minded the rumours and gossip if it was true. If I was to be labelled the class slut, I at least wanted some of the benefits.

Once we had reached his office, he fumbled for the key inside of his trousers. Turning the key in the lock, he opened the door leading me inside. I tossed my bag onto the sofa nearest where I was standing. I watched him re lock the door behind us. Last spring a student had stolen some exam papers from his office, he had become a tad bit obsessed with locking doors ever since. I didn't object to this minor quirk. It was sometimes reassuring to know that no one could walk in on us while we were ...''working''. I collected several history journals from the coffee table and walked to the desk. I took out a highlighter from the pen pot on the desk and started reading the journals. I groaned in annoyance. He didn't tell me that the topic of the article was the enlightenment. It was too bloody early in the day for political history. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was scanning a stack of essays. He leaned over the desk. From the sound his trousers were making I assumed he was spreading his legs. I frantically told myself not to stare at his crotch. I raised my eyes slightly from the journal only sneaking a tiny glimpse. God damn it I cursed under my breath. I paused for a moment was it just my imagination or was there a bulge in his crotch. I felt myself blush as I peeked another glimpse trying to remain professional. I caught him smiling down at me. Shit! Did he catch me looking?

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