Happy Birthday

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~Hi everyone! This story is kinda short and pointless, but it's cute so I hope you like it!~

Dean had just got off the phone with Sam, who had been wishing him a happy birthday. Sam was out on a hunt, and he was supposed to have gotten back three days ago, but let's just say there were a few more vampires then they had expected. Sam had called Garth for help and they were dealing with it. Dean wished he could be out there helping, but he was sick. It was a stupid little cold, of all things, but Sam knew Dean would just make it worse by trying to hunt, so here he was, stuck at home, sick and bored out of his mind on his birthday. 

'Not that birthdays really mean anything nowadays.' Dean thought. 'We've got more important things to worry about then celebrating.' 

Dean would never admit it, but there was one person who he hoped would wish him happy birthday, that might actually make him feel better...

'No you're being stupid.' he chided himself 'He's busy doing his thing up in heaven. You've got no right to expect him to remember something dumb like this.'

Dean sighed and flopped back in his chair. But just then, as if he'd been reading Dean's thoughts and was determined to prove them wrong, (which Dean actually found entirely plausible, although truthfully he didn't care) he heard the familiar rustle of wings behind him. An involuntary grin spread over his face as he turned around


"Happy birthday Dean!" Cas exclaimed, with a grin on his face to rival Dean's

"Cas, wha-" Dean tried, but Cas was still babbling

"Where's Sam? I thought we could all celebrate, I could take you somewhere special, like rome!" His face fell slightly at the next words "I really wanted to get you a gift, something special, but I figured you wouldn't want bees after that last, um, incident, and I kept burning the pies, and- Dean are you feeling alright?"

Dean was sitting in his chair watching Cas with a dumbfounded half smile on his face, although it occurred to him that Cas was probably referring to the fact that he was sick.

"Dean your ill!" Cas said, reaching out his hand "Here, let me-" 

“Cas wait!" Dean said, pulling back out of Cas's reach. "Cas, I know that your grace isn't working at full capacity right now, don't waste yourself on me."

"But Dean, I can't just-"

Dean was standing by now, and he put a hand on Cas's wrist, gently pushing his hand out of the way. "It's just a little cold, I'll be fine."

"But then you'll be sick on your birthday..." Cas said, staring at him with those intense blue eyes. 

Dean's mouth pulled into an incredulous smile. "I can't believe you remembered."

"Dean, I am trillion year old angel with an infinite memory, it would be physically impossible for me to forget your birthday."

"Yeah, but the fact that you would just drop everything in heaven just to..." He trailed off at the look of confusion on Cas's face.

"Of course I would, Dean."

Dean shook his head and pulled Cas into a hug, nuzzling his face into his shoulder. 

"God I love you Cas."

"I love you too, Dean." Cas sighed as he leaned into him. "And... you're really sure you don't want anything special for your birthday?"

Dean pulled back to look into Cas's eyes. "Everything I could possibly want is standing right here."

        Cas looked away slightly, smiling a bashful smile, which made Dean itch to pull him close and kiss him. So he did.

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