What Ally wants

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Camila's point of view

I walked into Ally's room and she was I her phone she got o it and told m to sit down.

"Okay we'll I have been thinking and should I maybe adopt a kid?" She asked.

"Well If its really what you want I say go for it but make sure it's really what you want and if it is then I will support you in it and if your worried the others won't then your wrong they will say the same thing I just did and that's a promise." I told her.

"Thank you I really do want to adopt a kid and I'm going to go and tell the other girls on a minute thanks Mila."

"Your welcome." I said walking out the door.

"Welcome for what?" Lauren asked.

"She asked a question and I answered she is about to ask you and the others in one moment."I told her.

"Okay?" She said and walked away.

"Lauren I'm telling the truth babe please believe me."

"then tell me what she said."

"Fine she said as wanted to adopt a kid and wanted to know if I was cool with it she coming to ask you and Dinah and Normani in a moment."



"Hey guys" Ally started as we all walked to the living room "I was wondering if you all would be okay with me adopting a child?"

"Hell yea a little prank buddy." Dinah told her.

"That's cool with me." Normani said.

"As long as its really what you want." Lauren told her.

"It is and thanks all of you." Ally said.

" Hold on Mila is it cool with you you never said anything." Normani said.

"Yea I already told her I like the idea." I told her.

Alright then looks like Ally is getting a child.

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