"I won't."

 "I don't want to get puke all over me."

Niall rolled his eyes, annoyed with the other a little bit. "I told ye, I won't."

Louis looked over at him, then smirked.



"What, Louis?"

"Your accent just came through massively."

Niall huffed, "That's because I'm annoyed with you."

"I like it."

"That I'm annoyed with you?"

"No...your accent getting through some more."

"You're weird."

"Shut up. The ride is about to start."


"Don't puke."



They finally came to the final ride. As cliché as it might sound, it was the ferris wheel.

When they stepped inside, there was food on the little circle 'table' in the middle and drinks, which Niall had let someone set up for him. Louis raised his eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

They both took a seat and looked aout at the view while their carriage started moving. It stopped at his highest point and Niall uncovered the plates of food.

"You hungry?"

"I am," Louis answered, "But I doubt if you are."

"I can still eat."

"You're serious."

"Of course I am," he stuck something in his mouth, just to show he wasn't lying. "I can eat a lot."

"No kidding," Louis chuckled, deciding to eat something as well.

Niall asked Louis to tell him something about himself, so, Louis started rambling about his family, his little sisters and little brother, his stepdad (whom he just referred to as dad now) and his mom. He even admitted he was a mama's boy, making Niall smile softly. Once he'd told him everything he thought Niall needed to know (for now), he asked Niall to do the same.

Niall told him about his family, who still lived in Ireland, talked about live in Ireland, how he came to England and how his brother had talked him into getting onto the show.

The carriage still hadn't moved, no big surprise because this was obviously all planned out, so when the conversation died down, they both stared outside again.

Niall shuffled closer to Louis, the older boy lifting his arm automatically, draping it over the blonde's shoulders.

"I've had a nice day," Niall started softly.

"Yeah," Louis answered, just as soft, "Me too."

"I'm glad I got to know you a little already."

"That's why we're here, right?"

"Yeah. And to fall in love. Hopefully..."

Louis sighed, pulling the other a little closer. "You can't force your heart, Niall."

"I know. Can I admit something?"


"I think I'm on the right way already."

Louis was silent for a moment, pressing his lips against Niall's temple, then murmured;  "Good."

Niall lifted his head from Louis' shoulder, tying to catch the other's lips with his own, but Louis pulled back.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just not gonna kiss you yet."

Niall frowned, "Why's that?"

"Because I like to build up tension."

Niall burst out laughing, slapping Louis' arm that had wrapped itself around his waist.

"You, Louis Tomlinson, are dangerous."

Louis grinned, "I sure am. I'm a danger for all those other guys back at the mansion."

Niall laughed again, dropping his head back onto Louis' shoulder, burying his face into the crook of the older boy's neck.

"At least we can still cuddle."

He tightened his hold on the blonde.

"At least there's that."


There was little to no surprise when Louis came back to the mansion with the rose and a grin from ear to ear. He told the guys about his date, but, when they asked him about a kiss, he glanced over at Zayn before saying; "I'm not gonna tell you."

There were a few 'boo's' and 'oh come on's', but then they let it go.

He was gonna leave them in doubt, or the impression that he had kissed Niall for some of them, just because he could.

It was still a 'competition' after all.


The only person he told the truth was Zayn, later that night in their room.

"Why didn't you?" Zayn asked, slightly confused.

"Because I want to build up tension."

"You're crazy."

"Well, he called me dangerous."

"Maybe you are," Zayn said after a short moment of silent, "To all of us."

"Maybe I am."

"You definitely are. Even if the others might not realise it yet."

"Or ever will."

"Or ever will."

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