Chapter 20

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Light's POV

It has been a week and I haven't received any calls from him and he asked for a leave for the whole week so I was packed with all his work.

I don't know who to call or where to go.

I've been checking out, his house nearby, and his car isn't there. I tried the condo, but I don't want to just go in

It's night time again and I'm having dinner with Sky and Selene

"We heard what happened." - Selene said, as she arrived with Sky

We ordered first before talking

"I cannot blame Caelus. It's unfair for him. But I cannot blame you or Keith, the two of you have been together for 10 years. It's not a joke to be together for that long. With all the ups and downs, you were with each other." - Sky said

"But still. Keith was wrong on this one." - Selene said

I just let out a huge sigh

"What are you planning?" - Sky asked

I showed them an email

"You're leaving?"  -Sky asked

"I have a blockmate that asked me to help her with the exhibition she's gonna conduct. I will be excused at work and it's a nice place to think." - I said

"Aren't you tired of running away?" - Selene asked

"Well, maybe it's for the best. I'll be away from the both of them." - I said

"Ending it with whom?" - Sky asked

"Both." - I said

"Are you sure about this?" - Sky asked

"Caelus doesn't deserve someone like me who have an entangled connections with someone who I used to love. And Keith, I don't want him to ruin his life, just to fix what's already broken a long time ago." - I said

"You're taking responsibility for something you're not responsible for. Caelus chose this. And Keith? I think it's something that he can still fix." - Sky said

"You don't need to worry about Keith. The boys can handle him. He's going abroad next month. He's planning to take medicine. Ate Stella will help in managing the restaurant, as it's on its way to becoming stable."  - Selene said

"Really? It's great to hear that." - I said

"It's your choice, Light. Just promise us, that you'll come back." - Sky said

"Of course, I will." - I said and smiled at them

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