Chapter 14

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3rd Narrator's POV

Weeks have passed and all of them were caught in their own work.

"Sky!" - Light shouted as she waves her hand at Sky, who's at the door of the café 

"Who should I thank for our sudden meeting today?" - Sky said as she sat down in front of Light

"Come on, the project was too hectic this time and Keith's construction started, as well. I'm having a really hard time, making some time" - Light said and sigh

"Iced Caramel Macchiato and Iced Mocha for Light." - the barista called 

Light stood up to get their drinks

"Where's Selene, anyway?" - Sky asked

"She's in a business trip right now. She said, she's sorry and will be sure to be available next time." - Light said

"So, what's up? How are you and Caelus?" - Sky asked

Light let out a sigh which mean, something's not good

"We're having some problems right now, but it will be resolved soon." - Light said and smiled

"Come on, it isn't simple, right?" - Sky asked

"Well, I can't help it Sky. Keith have been my friend for years, already. The memories we shared together are just so much." - Light said

"More than us, right? You and Keith have been together through your best and your worst. I completely understand that, Light. However, have you forgotten why you two ended up this way?" - Sky asked 

"I know. But, how can I be a peace with both my bestfriend and boyfriend at the same time?" - Light asked back

"Caelus is a good guy, Light. Don't let him go. We can all see how much he loves you. With Keith, just keep your distance. But I have to be honest, it's quite impossible." - Sky said

"So, I have to stay away from Keith..." - Light said

Sky can hear the sadness in the voice of Light and she knew from that moment, something is really wrong.

"You still  have feelings for Keith, after all these years. You cannot lie to me. I can feel it." - Sky said

"Come on, Sky. I've had enough." - Light said and sipped her coffee

"Yes, you had enough, Light. But just because you had enough, just because you got hurt, doesn't mean you will stop loving someone." - Sky said

"But, let's be honest Sky. We are each other's poison." - Light said

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