Chapter 1 - the trial

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Philippines POV

"... and that is how you can make your crush fall in love with you! It's quite easy, isn't it?"

I gently frowned as I heard the Teacher say that it's easy to make your crush fall in Love with you, it took me a while to make my crush fall in Love with me! But it turns out that he was going to leave me anyways... well who cares but... what is this? Is this what school teaches kids nowadays? Teaching them how to make their crush fall in love with them? Weird

"... And make sure that you do everything he loves! In that way he will never ever leave you!"

I scoffed

"What was that Mr. Philippines?"
Ah shet
I slowly look to the person in front of me, only seeing Mr. Britain with a furious look stamped over his Face.

Im going to die, aren't I? I can't die yet I need to complete my mission

"What were you doing Mr. Philippines?"

What should I do? What should I do?!


"Ah...." I said when I finally realized that ive Been staring for too long, i heard chuckles all around the room when im still Looking for an excuse. Darn it! Why can't I make a good excuse?!

"I... I- ummmmmm.... I-" i heard a lot of snickering around the classroom, goddammit mind your own business will ya?

"Well? Go on" Mr. Britain said it like he was going to lose patience if this goes on.

"Well... you see, I- I..." I took a deep breath before continueing my sentence.

"I thought it was just stupid." I said bluntly

"Excuse me, what?"

"I said i thought it was stupid!" I raised my voice a little bit more

"WHY- haaaahhhh" I slowly looked up after hearing Mr. Britain's deep sigh

"Why would you think it's stupid?" Mr. Britain said as he finally composed himself

"I just thought that when you said that if I do everything he loves, he wouldn't leave me. How come he left when I did everything for him?" I said as I put my acting in good use

"Awwwwwwwwww" I looked at my classmates and saw a pitiful look in their faces, I mean it's much better to be pitied at than to be laughed at.

"My child, not everyone will stay at your side forever. I too had my own problems, it's okay. At least you know that he wasn't destined for you! Think of it as a blessing in disguise." Mr. Britain said trying to comfort me

I looked up at him with my professional smile to show how "grateful" I am at him. He returned the gesture with a smile on his face.

He returned to his table and said that class is dismissed, we all then said our goodbyes and went to get our snacks.

-Time skip (?)-

I went out of the classroom to return the books I used during the session, I'm truly grateful that there is a break in every session. It makes me have a lot of energy before starting class.

"Hey Phil!" I looked over to my right to see my two best friends, indo and mal. "What happened?" Indo said trying to make a conversation.

I got the chills when indo asked about what happened, i really want to crawl into a hole and stay there for years! I suffered something more worse though...

"Your expression tells me that you had a bad time during class." I looked over to mal with a how-did-you-guess-that-correctly face.

"Don't ask, you're like an open book Phil. That's why." Mal replied before looking away, geez this guy is like an ace detective. I gotta be careful around him.

"So tell us what happened?" Indo said as he was quite curious about what happened. Geez curiosity got the best of him, huh?

"Well, my teacher got me to spill a lil bit of my love life." I said shyly.

"No way! So did you mention about him? Your ex~" indo said with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, And dont mention him ever again. The thought of it makes me want to kill him." I said with a venomous tone in my voice, it's true though. I hold a grudge against that man.

"Awwwwwww ya really hate me that much? Mi amor~"

I jolt up and instantaneously looked at my back. Great.... just great

I see Spain with his usual group behind him, Chile and Argentina.

"You know, I still love you mi amor. But it seems like that you don't love me back, I might have to force you to become mine~" he cooed

When he said that I immediately felt all my blood boil in disgust, he killed my family and now he treats me like this? Just you wait Spain, I'll get my revenge

"Cut it out Spain! He doesn't even want to do anything with you!" Malay said defending me. Honestly, I'm happy that I have friends like them.

"Alright, alright. But don't think this is the end of it" he slowly turns around before giving me a wink, I glared at disgust as I stood there watching him leave.

"Are you okay?" I looked to Mal with a worried expression, I can tell he was worried about me.

"Great, until that bastard came"

Mal snickered "that's great to hear! Let's get going shall we?" I laughed at his British accent.

"Yes, we shall" I ended up laughing more at Indo's reply, they both look at me before joining in. So we were now 3 laughing countries standing on the hallway with everyone looking at them.

"Okay, okay. Let's end it now, I really want to go get our dorm keys now!" Mal said with anticipation in his eyes.

"Yeah, what if we're roommates?" Indo said "I do hope that we're roommates, we could have a lot of fun!" He continued

"Well, let's just get going now"

We continued chatting until we arrived at our destination. It turns out that they're going to announce our dorm mates tomorrow, so we're just gonna wait until tomorrow.

I stayed at indo's house, we continued our chit chat there and we had a vc with Malay. It was now time to sleep, indo slept on the bed while I slept on the floor.

'It's been a long day'

I felt the side of my lips curling up before I could stop them...

'No, this isn't what you wanted. Remember why you came here in the first place'

I said to myself before going to sleep...

'I'll make you guys proud...'

Updated at March 14, 2020

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