Chapter 4: Combat training

Start from the beginning

"Suit up and meet us at training ground beta." Cayde said.

"Yes sir!" The whole class said except me and the half red half white kid.

Time skip:

After everyone suited up in their hero costume Cayde and All Might explained what we where gonna do.

"Hey Y/n, aren't you gonna suit up?

I looked back to see Ahri in her hero outfit

I looked back to see Ahri in her hero outfit

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"Wow, Ahri you look good." I said. She blushed and looked at her feet. "T-Thank you." She said blushing a bit. "So, are you not gonna suit up?"

"This is my outfit Ahri." I said and she looked confused. "But why are you wearing it in classes?" she asked.

"Well, I am allowed to keep my armor." I said as she nodded.


"Isn't this a bit advanced?" Tsuyu asked.

"THE BEST TRAINING IS WHEN YOU GET IT ON THE BATTLEFIELD." All Might said. "Alright enough talking. Let's begin." Cayde said

They then began to draw lots. Everyone got a team except me.

"Hey, why am I alone?" I asked All Might.

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE GONNA FIGHT CAYDE." All Might said as I turned towards Cayde.

"Really Cayde?" I asked him and he just nodded. "Fine." I said sighing.

Time skip till Y/n fight:

Midoriyas fight was, intense. He got really hurt because of Bakugous explosions. I really wanted to beat the living shit out of him.

After all the matches it was my fight with Cayde. I was outside looking through the map looking where the bomb could be.

'Cayde is probably doing the dumbest thing ever so he will probably go the first floor' I thought as I put down the map and started walking inside the building.

A little time skip:

I was walking inside the building and I have to say, HOW DOES CAYDE HAVE SO MANY TRAPS?! I swear I have destroyed at least 46 traps.

After some seconds I found the bomb and Cayde standing in front of it.

"CAYDE HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE SO MANY TRAPS?!" I yelled and he chuckled. "Classified Ace."

He then pulled out his knife and gun, Ace. "Well let's get you Aced."

"Cayde, stop with the bad puns." I said as I took out my gun and knife.

"Alright enough talk let's do this." Cayde said as he began shooting me.

I dodged and began to fire back as he also dodged.

He threw a flash grenade as I got blinded. I just closed my eyes and began to use my hearing.

"Ace you know you can't beat me while being flashed, right?" Cayde taunted me.

"That's where you're wrong." I said as I used 10% of my DSR and dashed towards the bomb while still being blinded. I remembered how the room looked like, where I was and where the bomb was.

Cayde tried to stop me but I was too fast for him as I touched the fake bomb I heard All Might saying it was over.

I then looked back to see Cayde right behind me with a knife close to my back. "Damn! You got me Ace." Cayde said as he lowered his knife. "Heh, you sure did Cayde." I said as I started to walk towards the exit.

Time skip:

The school ended now and I was walking with Cayde to the Recovery girl to check on Midoriya.

"Hey, Cayde." I said and he looked at me. "Don't you think that Midoriyas quirk looks like All Mights?"

"Well yeah kinda, I mean Midoriyas punch looks like All Might punch." He replied. "Maybe he got his quirk from All Might."

As soon as I said that I heard the Recovery girl say. "Well it's no good apologies to me, he's too tired from all of his classes for my quirk. I can't treat all of his injuries at once. I did some first aid but after the IV is finished we'll have to wait for his body to heal overnight. Come on All Might, I know you passed your power to this boy but you can't spoil him."

After we heard that we looked at each other and then went towards the door and opened it. "You did what All Might?" Cayde asked him as we saw him in a bad shape.

"Whoa, All Might what the fuck happened to you?" I asked

All Might was shocked that Cayde and I were there. He sighed before answering. "You guys better not tell anyone okay?" he said. I and Cayde nodded before he told us.

Time skip:

After All Might told us what happened and that he passed his power to Midoriya Cayde told me to go back to class.

I wanted to stay with Midoriya, but I knew that Aizawa would kill me so I went to class and decided to talk with Midoriya tomorrow.

And it's done now bois. hope u guys enjoy this and I can't really upload much cause school ;-; but I'll try to as much as I can. I'm now gonna update my other story.

-Lenny out


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