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“Hypatia, please, come under the shade. You'll burn your skin.”

Once again, Hypatia ignored her mother's calls as she moved her bare feet across the soft sand at the water's edge. She lifted her hand to shield her eyes so she could see out into the gulf where the sun sparkled off of the gently rolling ocean.

The peplos she wore today was white, sheer, and displayed her body proudly. The only concealment she really had was the gold jewelry draped elegantly over her form. She was wet from her swim and the sun worshiped the girl's flawless skin.

Erasmos was having trouble not staring at her.

His job on the beach today was to see to Hypatia's needs. He and her lady's maids were handling whatever their mistress required of them. The girls had swam with her while Erasmos laid out some food and drink for when she tired.

It was an easy day, a small break. The second round of the games would officially started today and the tension in the air desperately needed breaking. Erasmos would be fighting the day after tomorrow and was working hard to prepare himself for it. Diantha had also given her daughter no choice, saying that she needed to relax a bit or work herself into an early grave.

Despite that, Erasmos still had training to attend in the morning. His muscles were sore from Hypatia's seemingly endless new ways to torture them. But he was long used to sore muscles, not only from her but from his own father's training.

However, now she had given him a break. As much as she was able anyway. He would be allowed to swim and cool off in the waters once she finished. A slave did not enjoy themselves before their master did and there were people watching.

And, because there were people watching, Erasmos had to be on his best behavior. If he were caught staring at his mistress the way he kept doing, some could call for his punishment. It didn't matter that she looked like a sea nymph come straight from the ocean to call to him. It didn't matter that he could feel his blood pumping through his body at the sight of her. He was still a slave and, even if she made him a bed slave, he wasn't to stare that way without permission.

Diantha was lounging at her ease on a rug that had been brought here just for her to do so. A long sheet of slightly opaque white fabric was erected over her head to keep her skin pale and without flaw. Her daughter had no such concerns and immersed herself in both the sun and the sea without reservation or hesitation.

After a few more minutes, Hypatia finally came up to relax on her own rug that Erasmos had laid out for her. She was still dripping wet, the cloth adorning her body sticking so close that it might as well have not been there at all. Erasmos had to adjust his body in order not to make it obvious how the sight of her effected him.

His movement did not go unnoticed and Hypatia regarded him curiously as she sat down and moved her wet hair from her face.

“Problem, Erasmos?”

“Just some sand in places I wish it wouldn't be,” he lied easily, but quietly so no one could overhear the casual way that he spoke.

“I'm done swimming now, you can go,” she said, waving him away almost carelessly. Erasmos bowed his head in thanks before standing and moving to the water. Maybe the coolness of the sea would chill his hot body.

Diantha smiled at Hypatia after he had left. “Quite a specimen, your slave is.”

“His name is Erasmos,” Hypatia said without thinking as she wrung out her hair.

“Indeed. Very handsome. He looks strong. I imagine he's quite skilled in bed.”

Hypatia's hands still for a moment before she continued working them. “I'm sure I have no idea what you mean, mother.”

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