A Favor

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As more time passed Wyatt spent more and more times in the land of the plagued. He already asked each Zombie if they had a daughter named Eliza. All the ones who were sane or could at least speak said no. Even the ones that could not speak either shook their head or didn't react to the name.

Each night, Wyatt would call Eliza up to the point where she told him that the battery life was nearly used up and he should save the battery and should only call for emergencies. Wyatt thought about asking Eliza if he should use the favor to ask for her father, but the way Eliza made it seem, the werewolves would be stuck on the other side of the fence for a while. They sent the petition weeks ago. School was finally over. Eliza said that some of the teachers took pity on the werewolves and allowed the grade they had before they left to be their final grade. Even those that didn't, Eliza told Wyatt that his grade was good enough that he still passed those classes. Summer had already started for them.

Willa stayed in the communal den. There were many more domestic problems. Many families were being torn apart with those who wanted peace with the humans and those that wanted to do like dust wolves and exterminate Seabrook. Tension was starting to build up. There weren't any injuries, physically at least, but things felt like a volcano just waiting to erupt. They needed an alpha more than ever. Wyatt knew he should be there for his sister, but she was already getting help from Wesley. Wynter and her parents were also there to keep everyone in line which meant if Wyatt's parents or anyone else for that matter did anything, Willa would at least be safe.

Although Willa wanted Wyatt to stay, she also didn't to force him to stay. Being an alpha was her job, not his. Wyatt did stay for a little bit each day, but that was only until Wesley came in to help out. Afterwards, he would head over to the land of the plagued. The place was quiet for the most part.

Wyatt was on his way over. He was only a few yards away.

"Shhh. We can't let the Keeper of lore's son hear."

"Don't worry, he hasn't come yet." Wyatt saw two figures just coming out of the long house. He quickly ducked behind a tree.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"I thought I saw someone out here."

"I don't hear anything."

There was a long silence.

"I hear five different heart beats coming from all around, probably just some wild life. But let's move to somewhere else just in case the Keeper's son shows up."

Wyatt heard the two of them heading off. He soon went to follow them, but he didn't go the usual way. The forest had so many things on the ground that would make sound. Wyatt had only seen this done in movies, but he tried to jump from tree to tree without touching the ground. It was harder than it looked, even with claws as jumping from one to the other felt clunky and Wyatt was always scared he would hit the ground or just alert them.

Wyatt followed them for ten minutes before they finally stopped.

"This should be far enough away," one of them said.

"So when's it going to be at?"

"Tonight, when the moon is close to its peak."

"And how are we going to get across the fence? It's made of silver."

"Don't worry about that. The keeper has been working with a hunter. They chopped down a large tree in secret. It should be more than enough to knock down part of the fence or at the very least, allow us across."

"And where are we going to strike. I mean I don't think we can just-"

"Exterminate all of Seabrook. I think we can. Humans have become too lax. And by taking them by surprise, I don't there's much getting in our way."

Wyatt waited there as they continued talking. Most of the planning was probably already mentioned before because they then just started talking casually. It wasn't that surprising. Even with the smoke masking the scent of the land of the plagued, the closer scent would still get into their nostrils. So breaks ever hour or so were quite ordinary.

Trying to stay in the tree was really tough on his fingers. Although he had his arms on the tree, most of what was keeping him up were his claws that were dug into the tree. When they were gone, Wyatt pulled his claws out. Staying in the tree for so long in the position he was in, when he got down, he felt a little light headed. Blood then began to rush back into his leg.

Wyatt made his way to the fence. He had already called Eliza asking her to have Addison's dad meet him by the fence.

"Hello, Wyatt." Whatever gratitude he felt for Wyatt from their previous encouter seemed to have disappeared. His voice was cold and professional.

"Mr. Wells, I've just overheard that there's going to be a werewolf raid. Tonight."

"What!" Addison's dad then began to reach for his walkie talkie.

"Please, don't send in your men here."

"Why not?"

"Things in here are chaotic as it is. If you send in your men, and people see you taking away our pack for no reason, you'll destroy any support Seabrook has here."

"We have reason. Your suspi-"

"If I reveal it before, they'll just reschedule. Even if the town does believe me, and they see your men come in on a mere suspicion, they will still hate you deep down. You'd only delay another uprising, not stop one."

"So you don't want me to protect my town, is that it. Will that be your favor?" Wyatt could already see veins starting to pop out of Addison's dad's forehead. The redness of his face almost looked to be like a tomato.

"Yes, if it has to be."

"Then what should I do, allow you werewolves to run amok in my town. No. My town is worth more than a mere favor." Addison's dad crossed his arms, trying calm himself down. He took a few deep breaths.

"I'm not asking you to do nothing. I'm asking you to wait until they make the first move."

"Why, wait. If we let them act, one of them might get loose."

"They only have one way to get across. Set up some cameras and monitor from afar."

"That still doesn't answer my question."

Wyatt let out a sigh. "If my people see that our kind acted first, it'll limit the amount of resentment my people will feel towards Seabrook. They'll see that we were the aggressors this time."

Addison's dad looked at Wyatt. Whether it was human or werewolf, there was a hierarchy. And a stare down usually had more weight than most people realized. They stood there for a while.

"Fine, we'll do it your way. And this will be your favor from me."

"Thank you."

Addison's dad walked away. Wyatt gave a sigh ofrelief. He hoped that Eliza would forgive him for not choosing her father.

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