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Eliza had already started her plan. She had gone to school as usual, but when she had free time, she began organizing rallies to help the wolves. Her and Addison were the leaders of the brigade. They did peace-walks, sit-ins, and boycotts on certain Seabrook goods. Nothing went too out of hand, Addison's father was chief of police and her mother was the mayor.

Eliza even organized pep rallies during the weekend. The rally asked for donations, but it wasn't money they were looking for, but signatures for a petition to allow the residence of the forbidden forest to come back to Seabrook. People were allowed to come and go as they so chose. Strangely enough, Bucky made an appearance. He had a bandage on his face, but that was as bad as it got. He wasn't allowed to do anything too crazy in terms of gymnastics, unless he wanted his stitches to open up, but he showed his support.

Most of the adults weren't really into letting the werewolves back, but there were a few that were. Coach Barkley showed up to the pep rally. Principal Lee didn't show up, but she allowed them to use the school's gym to host the rally.

Addison and the cheerleaders were performing various cheer routines. In between, when the cheerleaders got tired, some of the students would come up and talk about their experiences with the werewolves that attended Seabrook.

Who knew Wynter was into making videos online? She actually had helped most of the student body gain more followers. As she didn't have a phone or any way to access social media, she would often appear in some other students' videos and the views of people who went to Seabrook high sky rocketed. There was quite a handful that she helped out.

There were some other people who made comments on other werewolves such as Walter, Wallace, Winifred, Wendy, and a lot more. The rally went on for three hours. Just as Eliza went up to tell everyone good bye, she was cut off by Bucky. "Eliza, do you mind if I make just one more speech, please."

Eliza frowned. She wasn't sure what Bucky was going to do, but she allowed it.

For the first time since Eliza knew him, Bucky looked nervous in front of a crowd. "Hello, everyone may know me as Bucky Buchanan, class president for Seabrook high."

The AC's stood up and clapped for him.

"But I'm not coming up here to talk about myself or being president. I came up here to talk about a werewolf worth fighting for. Back when I first met her, I thought she was a monster. I was afraid of her...and then I got to know her. I found out that she wasn't mean. She is a leader. She brings out the best in her people. I thought I did the same, by leading by example. But a true leader is someone who not only leads by example, but looks out for those willing to follow them.

"I'm sorry I can't be there for Willa, but I want everyone to know how great she is. Thank you." Bucky then started making his way off the stage. There were quite a few whose mouths looked like they would fall to the floor.

Lacey stood up. She raised her pom-pom and started to shake it. "Woo, werewolves!"

Addison then rallied the group.


"Together, together, together everyone

"Together, together, come on let's work this out

"Together, they were there for us.."

The cheerleaders then went out and began their cheer. Eliza then looked through the signatures. There were over five hundred signatures. The town of Seabrook's population that could vote was just barely over a thousand. That meant over half the town's voting population had signed.

At the end Eliza went up on stage. "I want to thank everyone that came today. Your support really means a lot to each and every one of us. With your votes, we can make change." Eliza waved the petition by her head.

A Zombie Girl and Her WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now