Author's Notes

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It's been a while since the start of this book. I had fun writing this book and I hope you enjoyed reading it too. 😅

I just want to give a special thank you to those readers that were here from the start. 🤩

While I am moving on to write different books, I will definitely be back for Velocity Season 2. 😉

You can follow me if you want and please go and support my other works, all support is appreciated. 😊

I'll try my best to write as frequently as possible. Remember, this is an experience for both of us.

And if you weren't satisfied with the writing structure for Chapter 13, then please remember that it was through the perspective of Donte, which is and child, and the way how he would experience and explain things would be vastly different from how Romaine would.

I hope you have a great day! Bye. 👋🏽

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