Chapter 1: Ignition

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*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep* his alarm went as he rocked and rolled, trying his best to turn off the alarm without 'losing the sleep'. After he finally turned off the alarm, he was already too irritated to go back to sleep. "Romaine!" His mother called out, "You have an hour until I leave for work! Oh and Donte's coming over today!"

Romaine tried his best to pull himself out of bed, denying his clinomania. After about ten minutes in the shower, five minutes brushing his teeth, and another ten getting dressed, Romaine still had thirty-five minutes left. So he thought that it would've been a good opportunity to get some more sleep.

When Romaine woke up, it was at the sound of his mother in her room taking up the car keys from her dresser. To Romaine, the rattling sound of those keys are unique, even subconsciously, when Romaine hears those keys there would be no way that he confuses them with anything else.

Romaine had realized that he had overslept. He then went over to his bag, which he hadn't packed last night. So he quickly packed the essential books and then bolted down the stairs.

By time Romaine had opened the door and went outside, all he could do was watch his mom drive off, as she had already reversed out of the driveway and turned the car to the direction in which she had desired.

"Aww man!" Romaine went. Now it was up to the school bus to transport him to school. Romaine waited about fifteen minutes, then finally, the bus had arrived.

50 Minutes Later...

Romaine dashed off the bus and through the hallway. Up the stairs, then down the corridor and into the second to last class. Romaine was now panting, as he was greeted by a menacing look from his form teacher, Mr Cruise. "Late again, Green."

Romaine tried his best to not insult the teacher and went to his seat.

After a few more minutes of sitting through the teacher's talking, Romaine was glad to finally get out of it. But now he had Physical Education, P.E, to do.

After the class had changed into their P.E gears, the boys went out onto the multipurpose field and the girls went onto the netball court.

Everyone was discussing a rumor that they had a new P.E teacher. But Romaine knew that the always announce and present new teachers in devotion.

"So what do you think we're doing today?" Romaine inquired of his closest friend Dondre.

"Triple Jump probably." He replied while shrugging his arms.

"But the sand pit wasn't renewed last night." Romaine pointed out

"Javelin." Dondre suggested

"Fair enough." Romaine responded.

Just as their conversation had ended, Romaine and Dondre had turned around to see what the commotion was about.

A man was entering the multipurpose field. He had a dark complexion, was wearing a tank the said, "Hope is not something given, Hope lies within. Believe in yourself.", And he was also soaked in sweat.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Romaine and Dondre both said in amazement.

The man now wearing the signature smile that people see him with on TV.

"Can it- Can it be?" Romaine now thought he was still sleeping.

Kyle, another of Romaine's classmates, questioned, "Usain Bolt?"

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