Chapter 1

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"Fine," I muttered "We'll stay in the neighborhood. We won't go far."

Hello, my name is Zoey Tybalt and my mother is way too overprotective. I mean, I and my twin sister Anna are twelve. We should be allowed to leave this tiny cul-de-sac on our own.

Sometimes, though, we are able to get out of this place. 

Like the time we wanted to go to Tiger Lily Rec Center. Anna had heard about it from her freinds, and they said it was awesome. We stole -er- borrowed some money from Mom, to get in. Then we went upstairs to pack bathing suits and towels.

We told Mom we were going outside, and she said that she just loved it when I and Anna hung out together ( More on that later ).  We left the house in a hurry to retrieve our bags, which we had thrown out our bedroom window, for obvious reasons. I mean, like, how would we explain why we had those bags. Then we left the place by sliding through a loose board in the fence.

We walked to Tiger Lily Rec Center in ten minutes, paid to get in, and swam. That place was so fun! We knew that our mother would be expecting us to return to the house soon, so we didn't stay at Tiger Lily Rec that long. We finished up and left the dressing room in a hurry and ran home. Since our mom thought we were in the yard, we slipped through the loose board in the back fence.

Then we hid our backpacks in the bushes and walked through the back door as if nothing remotely strange or sneaky had happened.

"Hi kids!"Mom said as we walked into the living room. "It must be hot out there You guys are sweating."

"Yep!" Anna is a terrible liar. Mom gave her 'the look'.

Anyways, back to the present. Me and my sister, about to leave the house with no particular destination in mind.

I like spending time with my sister. Even though she can be a bit stuck-up, she's my sister. In school, she is in the 'popular' group, always surrounded by hordes of freinds. I, on the other hand, am the opposite of popular. I have two freinds, Addie Shard, and Jake Halliday-Macintyre, and that's it. 

So, I and Anna are just walking along, chatting, me walking in front of Anna, when I look behind me.

Anna isn't standing there!

"Anna? I say "Where are you?"

I look all over the place, but there isn't a trace of her. Maybe she says one of her freinds and ran off without telling me. She tends to do that a lot.

Then I realize that Anna isn't anywhere. 

"Anna!" I yell "ANNA!" No response. I go back to the place where I first noticed her disappearance, and look around for, you know, footprints or something.

Now, I'm not a professional detective or anything, but I can't help noticing something on the ground. I crouch down to look closer. It's a light sprinkle of purple powder on the ground. I don't understand why that would be there unless she was eating a powdered donut or something.

Suddenly, I know what it means. And that isn't a good thing... It means that Anna is in serious danger.

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