home away from home

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"How are you feeling mate" Matt asked sitting on the ground.

"Yeah good, with one bad thing there is always something good that happens" he said.

Matt looked down and noticed Amy and David holding hands. "We are going to the disco together" she smiled.

"well i better get a date" matt laughed.

The nurse walks in "David your grandad is coming soon, he said he will meet you out the front of the school"

"ok thank you" David said standing up with the help of Matt and Amy. David limped out the front with Amy and Matt waiting for his grandad.

"So what’s your grandad like" Amy asked.

"He’s great, we always take me shooting or driving his car around his farm"

"he sounds awesome"

"the only bad thing about his house is that it is in the middle of the south woods" Matt said.

"South woods….hasn’t there been farmers sheep and cows disappearing every few months and they are never found again" Amy asked.

"No I think that it’s just thefts, people that can’t look after themselves so they steal from others"

"well they say that it’s some kind of animal"

"yeah but my grandad has lived there for his whole life and he is always outside at night" David said.

David’s Grandads drive’s in the school in his big green holden ute . "Hi grandad" David yelled, as he limps to the car with Amy and matt following behind him.

"Hi Dave how’s your face ha-ha"

"a bit sore but nothing i havent had before"

"very true so who is your girlfriend" he smiled.

"Hi I’m Amy"

"so your Davids girlfriend are you?"

"I might be if he play his cards right" she smiles at David, He smiles back.

"did you hear that david that was a hint" his grandad laughed.

"yeah i heared it" he said sarcasticly.

"I’m Barry blade good to meet you" he said to amy.

"its good to meet you too" she said.

"well we have you go, so say bye to matt and your girlfriend" barry said.

Amy rapped her arms around David and gave him a silent kiss on the lips. "See you at the disco" she smiled.

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