Title 3

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First class of the year , first years lined up outside the wretched hot sun beating down on their backs . Meanwhile Dustyn Malfoy was worried sick in the hospital wing already . HIs anxiety crushed him from the inside out .  Dustyn could be strong with his family however without he seemed a little too unconscious from his surroundings . Dustyn enjoyed the cold air coursing through his veins . 

Kicking his feet back and forth , Scorpio came bursting through the door . Knowing his little brother had another panic attack . The Malfoy brothers had a connection by the age of eight , because their Riddle side gave them certain powers . Meaning Beverly will be able to read minds and sense when one of her brothers is in trouble . 

A little while after Scorpio abruptly burst into Hogwarts Hospital wing , Hermione followed to give her little baby boy a hug and his anxiety medicine . Hermione remembered her time at Hogwarts fighting her battle with social anxiety . 

Scorpio held his little brothers hand his palms sweating and clammy . the familiar scent of his mother’s perfume engulfed the room as she hugged Dustyn . At that moment no one gave two shits that they were skipping class . Why because a Melody is down in the dark pits . On the verge of another mind attack . With only straight A’s on every past year's report card , his mother was the smartest and brightest witch of her age after all . 

Hermione bid her farewells to her boys giving them a small peck on the forehead . On the other side of the door , stood the loud obnoxious world . The same world that with a loud snap of a stick could trigger Dustyn right now at his weakest moment . His mind bare and ready to be painted with each hateful word . 

Scorpio left a while ago hesitant to get back to class , although Professor  Luna Lovegood - Longbottom who taught Defense against the dark arts . 

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