Title 2

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On the other side of the platform , stood Rose Weasley telling her Father Ron off . Rose had just turned twelve  . Rose waved goodbye to her aunt and uncles as she boarded the train .Still ticked off with her father . Sometimes she wondered what it would be like if her mother was still around . Rose pushed through the boarding students to find her best friend Laine Longbottom . Laine is the daughter of Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom .  

The red headed female abruptly yanked out of her thoughts when a brunette boy came barreling through the train, his curls flowing down creating a framed look for his face . Rose couldn't turn around twice before , another was  following shortly behind with a smug look plastered onto his tanned face . Rose knew by the looks of the two boys that it was the Malfoy brothers . 

Rose had gone to school with Scorpio before , she knew him as well as she knew her mother. Therefore she hardly knew him at all , he had been popular and she had been told that his parents were backstabbing traitors . 

Little did she know that it was her own father and aunt who had been so cruel to his uncle and mother . WIthout Hermione Ron wouldn’t have still been alive at all . Ron would have died without Hermione and Harry shielding him from the events each year their Father Tom had put them through . The hell he had to pay for his loud mouth and cruel ways  . 

Rose’s chocolate brown eyes pierced through the glass , watching each raindrop race until they fade away . Rose wished at this point she hoped school would be better than it had started already. 

Rose looked over at her Best friend and rolled her eyes and sighed hoping to grab some attention from her . Hoping to rant about Scorpio Malfoy tossing her to the side like the old rag doll she had when she was younger . In some ways she was just a straight up stuck up two faced bitch . Even her best friend, the nicest girl in school, didn't want to talk to her whatsoever . And quite  frankly she was jealous of the magazine in her hands that Lainie was so focused on . Lainie looked like a sponge sopping up each and every word that the printed paper had to offer her .   

Sometimes Rose wondered why Lainie was still there right by her side . After all she was a bitch , she was poor and had nothing to offer the girl .

I swear I won't do this every chapter.
However I decided to post chapters on Wednesday and Friday . As well as any time I want because. Hey I'm in quarantine, plus I have no life.

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