Return of the Gladiator

Start from the beginning

Shiro got up out of his seat, most likely to go find Pidge, when Coran stopped him.

"Open the hatch. Food lion coming in!" He said trying to feed my brother.

Shiro groaned in disgust, "No. Just... no."

I got up as well, thinking it would be a good idea to take a walk around outside.

"I'm going to go take a walk." I said.

Keith looked up at me, "Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled back at him, "I'm just fine. I just want take a walk around outside. I won't be long."

Keith still looked at me with concern. I guess it was expected, the only times I took walks I had a lot on my mind. And I desperately needed to clear my mind a little.

I walked down the halls and outside the Castle, breathing in the fresh air. The sun was high and the sky a clear blue. I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing on my face.

But, all of a sudden, something clicked in my mind. Standing here in the sun, I felt like I had dome it before.

"Do you enjoy the sunshine, my dear?" A women's voice asked me.

My eyes snapped open in shock. I looked around to see who spoke to me. But I saw no one.

My tensed body slowly relaxed when I saw no one around, but my body tended up again when I heard something rustling in the bushes nearby.

Upon instinct, I summoned my bayard and it turned into a staff. I pointed it towards the rustling bush without a hint of fear in my eyes.

"Who's there!?" I shouted.

The rustling stopped at the sound of my demanding tone.

"Show yourself!" I demanded. From the bush, a small figure peaked out and stared at me with large eyes.

"Who are you?" The creature asked, its eyes narrowed at me.

I took in the creature's size. It was very small and seemed to be weak, all it had to defend and attack with a was pointed spear made of twigs.

I snapped out of my trance from staring at the creature and recalled my weapon. I held my hands up to show that I didn't mean any harm.

"Please, lower your weapon. I didn't mean to startle you." I said calmly. The creature stood still like I did for a moment before nodding and lowering his weapon.

"Okay, Klaizap trusts that you keep your word." The creature, Klaizap, said.

I smiled at him, lowering my hands and kneeling on one knee to his height so I could see him better.

"Klaizap. What a noble name." I said.

Klaizap looked at me with wide eyes. He came closer and closer until he could clearly see my face. Then, he gasped.

"Kalizap knows those eyes." He said, surprising and confusing me.

"My eyes?" I repeated.

"Yes. The eyes of the angel."

Now I was really confused. Angel? Sure my eyes were a bright blue, some would even go as far to say that they were a kind of sapphire turquoise, but they weren't pretty enough to be compared to the eyes of an angel.

Before I could ask Klaizap anything else, I heard footsteps rushing out from the Castle.

"Saoirse!" I heard Keith shout from behind me. I turned around and saw everyone but Shiro and Pidge run up to me from the open doors.

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