Raid (part 2)

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Aasim climbed in through a passenger door of a minivan and took cover behind a concrete cylinder. He waited for some of the guards to walk away before motioning the other two to make their way in. Louis led Willy through the minivan and took cover behind the cylinder.

They nodded briefly and Aasim peered over their cover. Noone spotted for the boy before he ran towards a pillar next to some buildings. He was about to signal the others when a couple walked out of the building next to him. The doors blocking their view to him as he stood still and watched the two.

"Dude I'm telling you, there's no other place better than here." One of the men told their partner.

"I know man. It's just, I feel confined in this one space. And especially with quadsection D being locked down for the things stuck inside. I'm not sure this place will stay safe long enough." His partner replied back, a sigh coming from him as he flickered a piece of metal. Opening the top with his hands and sliding his hands down the cranks to start the fire and bring it up to the rolled paper in his mouth.

"Yeah well, sector D is for emergencies only. It's in our favor. Nothing will get out, that's why we have people guarding the place front to back." His buddy tried convincing the man again.

"Nah man." He takes a drag out of his cigarette and puffs a large cloud of smoke as he looks back to his friend. "I just don't like it here anymore. You should come with me, it'd be fun."

"There's a good thing going here. I'm not leaving that behind." The other guy says before turning back to the door and opening it. Not noticing the pair of eyes watching them behind the pillar.

"Hey man?" He says, looking back to the other as he sighs in defeat.

"What's up?" The other guy says after taking another drag of the smoke.

"Take care."

"You too." And the man closed the door behind him, leaving just the man with the smoke. He stayed there for a couple minutes until he dropped and stubbed out his cigarette. Then began walking towards the cars piled up in a wall. Causing the other two to sneak along the stone cylinder as the guy crawled through one of the crawl spaces and exited the compound.

"Guys! Come on!" Aasim whisper yelled. The other two rushing towards him and breathing with relief.

"Thay was a close one." Willy said.

"Looks like you still got your superpower of not being noticed." Louis jokes to Aasim. His eyes rolling and a grunt follows his face as he turns around.

"Follow me." He says as he begins walking towards a big building with some color stained glass and pictures of a man.

"Yo. That's a church." Louis said, as he pointed to the building Aasim was admiring. "This is what I was telling you about. The school for god."

"Louis, focus. We need to find where they keep their prisoners remember." Aasim reminds.

"Guys." Willy said but only to be ignored.

"I know, but we can make a pit stop. After all we only have this moment. Nothing in the future is guaranteed." Louis reminded Aasim for the hundredth time.

"I hate when you say shit like that." Aasim told him.

"Guys..." willy said again, not gaining his attention as he kept speaking.

"We have to stay focused. And your philosophy is going to get us killed." Aasim said. "So let's just go to their dungeon or whatever, get Clem and Vi, and leave so we can live another day."

"You'll be going into our 'dungeon' for sure." A cold stern woman's voice being heard. Aasim stopping cold in his tracks as he looked at Louis before peeking at the threatening woman. Willy looking frustrated towards the two other boys.

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