Ch. 11 Home Invasion

Start from the beginning

Ben: It's fine I actually like her, she is really nice.

Blake: *Sigh of relief* Oh good.

Ben: *Blushing* W...Why is that good?

Blake: *Blushing* Because...I...It's uh g...good that you like my parents. 

She laughs nervously

Ben: *Blushing* W...Why is it...important that I get along with your parents?

Blake: *Blushing* W...W...Well...




Just then the roof in Blakes room just explodes right above Ben knocking him across the right of the and hitting the sidewall and landing on the floor right next to Blakes bed with a thud, weekend from the explosion he looks up and sees that there his suit is still under the bed.

Blake: BEN!?

Swarm: Oh, I so thats what he is called.

She looks up and sees the disgusting insect-like woman fly through the hole in the roof.

Swarm: Hello Blake.

Blake: Madam Swarm, so it's true.

Swarm: Oh I am so happy you remember me, I could never forget you, not after you left me for dead.

Blake: What do you want revenge.

Swarm: Eventually, but for now I am here on business.

Swarm smiles a rotten smile.

Scarlet Spider: BACK OFF UGLY!

Out of nowhere Ben now decked out in his suit swing kicks Swarm to the left side far wall, and sticks the landing with a flip.

Scarlet Spider: Blake, go get your parents and get out.

Blake: But...

Scarlet Spider: Go!

She hesitates for a bit but she reluctantly leaves the room to go and find her parents.

Ben turns to see the bug woman who was getting up.

Scarlet Spider: Penny, who am I looking at.

Penny: Scanning...I'm sorry but I can't find any data about this woman.

Scarlet Spider: Shit.

Swarm: Ah, I love it when a plan comes together.

Scarlet Spider: Plan?

Swarm: I knew that threatening his precious kitty cat would scare him, into sending his best soldier to protect her.

Scarlet Spider: Clever so you went through all that trouble to kill me.

Swarm: Thats correct handsome.

Scarlet Spider: *Disgusted* Ew.

Swarm: Well, let's get on with it, shall we?

The pores on her skin open and millions of tiny flying flesh-eating insects crawl out and fly in a circle around Ben, impeding his vision.

Scarlet Spider: AH!

While he is distracted Swarm flies through the bugs and uses her claws and slashes arose his chest cutting the suit and braking the skin causing it to mildly bleed, before she disappears in the swarm of tiny insects.

Scarlet Spider: Penny, I'm going to need you to amplify the sound of Swarms movements and tone down everything else.

Penny: On it.

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