Ch. 12 Regroup

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Riely Research Station

3 Weeks Ago

Bens Room

3rd Pov

Doc Ock is showing Ben a hollo-map of Menagerie. 

Doc Ock: This is where you will be deployed.

Ben: Alright.

Doc Ock: While there you are to follow Adams every command to the letter do you understand?

Ben: Yes sir.

He then moves the map to an old house on the water.

Doc Ock: This house has been abandoned for a while now, in case anything happens this will act as your safe house.

Ben: It looks a little run down if you don't mind me saying so sir.

Doc Ock: The exterior is a hologram disguise as to not attract suspicion, but I assure you that on the inside you will find all that you need, including your belongings on this station including any spare gear that needs to be replaced.  But do not let Adam or any of the Red Fang know of this location, do you understand?

Ben: Yes sir.


Ben is walking to the shoreline with Blake close behind, and they keep walking until they reach an old looking house.

Ben: Where here, *Cough* *Cough*

She looks at the house unimpressed

Blake: Where is here?

Ben: It's where I was told to go if there ever was trouble. *Cough* *Cough*

 Blake: We need to get you to a hospital.

Ben: No, everything I need should be in there.

They continue to walk up to the door of an old house, and a scanner activates and scans Ben's full body.

A.I.: Identification Verified, Welcome.

The door opens and the two walk into the house, revealing a big room with a bed, first aid, food rations, spare gear, and a bathroom along with Ben's favorite book Wander and the 16 Colossi that was by his bed,

While Ben looks for the first aid Blake looks around the room.

Blake: How is this place what's inside of a dilapidated house.

Ben: *Searching* The exterior of the house is just a hologram to lure people away...Ah, there it is!

He finds the first aid box opens it and takes out a healing stem and injects it.

Ben: Ah!

He collapses on the bed as the stem works its magic.

Blake: What was that?

Ben: Healing stem, can help heal most wounds in an instant apparently.  But they cost a fortune to make, so the Doc was only able to make fifteen, thus I got to use them sparingly.

He sits up and looks at Blake who has taken a seat next to him.

Ben: Are you holding up OK?

Blake: Yeah you?

Ben: Yeah, so thank you for pulling my ass out of the fire.

Blake: *Smirks* Literally

They both sare a chuckle, Ben then looks at his book and takes it.

Ben: *Blushing* Hey I know you like to read so, here.

He offers her the book, Blake looks at it with confusion, then excitement.

Blake: Wander and the 16 Colossi! Oh, I have been meaning to read this but copies of it are so hard to find!

Ben: Well, you can have this one.

Blake: W...What no no I...I can't...I...

Ben: Please I insist, think of it as thanks for saving my life.

Blake: *Blushing* Oh thank you.

She takes the book and gazes at it with mirth. 

Ben: *Blushing* Your welcome.

Then Ben and Blake gaze into each other's eyes for a few minutes, until Ben looks down at his filthy suit.

Ben: *Blushing* I should go and take a shower.

Blake: *Sniff* Yeah. *Giggles*

He smiles walks to the bathroom door, but before he enters he unplugs Penny's A.I. chip from the mask and gently places it on the nightstand by the bed.

Ben: I'll be back in a few.

Blake: *Smiles* Alright.

He enters, and a few seconds later Blake heard the water running.

Blake Pov

Oh, maybe I should take one after he finishes.

???: Blake.

Blake: Huh?

I heard someone call my name, but as I look around I don't see anyone, and I can hear that the shower is still running.

???: Blake!

There is it again, what is...huh, just then I notice that the chip that Ben pulled out of his mask is glowing green, and as soon as I notice that a little hologram of a ginger-haired girl pops up.

???: Salutations Blake!

Blake: AH!!

HOLY SH... that scared me I thought...wait I know that girl.

Blake: Penny!!

Penny: Your reaction tells me that we have met before, I thought as much.

Blake: Wait, what!!

Penny: Yeaaaah, I know it's a lot to take in.

Blake: Wait you said you thought as much, do you not remember me, what about Ruby?

Penny: Only bits and pieces, ever since we meet you on the roof, I keep on having some flashes of memories of what I believe was before Dr. Octavious assigned me to Ben.

Blake: Dr. Otto Octavious?

Penny: You know him?

Blake: Yes, he killed two good friends of mine.

Penny: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Blake: How did Ben get mixed up with someone like that?

Penny: I'm sorry it's not my place to say, only he can tell you that, but I need your help.

Blake: Sure anything.

Penny: Please keep on helping Ben along the right path, and not the one that Dr. Octavious sent him on since the beginning.

Blake: Of course, do you think he will ever tell me why he is working with Doc Ock, I don't think I can fully help him otherwise.

Penny: No you can't, but I believe he will in time, he has taking a liking to you.

Blake: *Blushing* Yeah well, so have I.


3rd Pov

Ben walks out of the shower wearing his casual wear.

Ben: Showers available if you want it.

Blake: Alright thanks.

She gets up and walks over to the shower but be stops her halfway there.

Ben: Wait.

She stops and turns to face him.

Ben: Before that, I got to know, what is Swarm?

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