Mark 🧡

We got home with Melody and Myles earlier today. Things have been going okay so far. We are getting them settled down for the night now. We sit in the nursery and feed both of the babies. I've been expressing milk most of the day so Mark can do some of the feeds too. I am breastfeeding Myles atm and Mark is bottle feeding Melody. "I'm so happy they are home and it's almost Christmas" Mark said. "Yes me too. It's great to have them here just in time for our our favourite time of the year" I smile. It takes us a bit of time to feed them before getting them ready for bed. I change Myles first and put his pjs on and then Mark does the same with Melody. Both babies had clean diapers and fresh pjs on. "Let's get these two to sleep now" he said. "Yes I don't know how easy it will be" I reply. We put them both in their cribs and turned off the lights. There is a crib at either side of our bed. We've been reading up how to get a newborn to sleep at night. The best way is to lay them down and turn off the lights and just be quiet. Myles falls asleep a few minutes later. It takes Melody a bit more time but she eventually goes to sleep. Me and Mark leave the room quietly and go downstairs. "Hopefully they will sleep for a while" I said. "Yeah but remember we can both share the night feeds" Mark said. "Yep we can. That's why I pumped some milk" I reply. The babies slept for about an hour and a half before they both woke up. We kept taking it in turns during the night to feed and change them. It was better that she shared the duties

Youngjae 💗


Y/ N and I got home with baby Sunwoo today. A few hours ago. Things have been going well so far. He's mainly been sleeping. That's the life of our son. We are so happy to have him home with us. Sunwoo is the best thing that's ever happened to me. We are in the middle of getting him ready for the night now. Y/ N had just fed him and burped him afterwards. "Is my little man all ready for bed now?" I say. "Yeah just about" she replies. Y/ N hands Sunwoo to me. He already had a fresh diaper on so I put him some different clothes on for bed. "What's the first step of getting him settled to bed?" I say. "Well you can rock him first to get him to sleep and then lay him down" she replies. "Okay got it" I reply. I rock Sunwoo for a few minutes and he goes off to sleep soon. I place him down in his crib and we leave the room and go into the lounge. "Well done you got him to sleep" Y/ N said. "Thanks. It wasn't too bad" I reply. We sit on the couch together. About an hour or so later, Sunwoo starts crying so we go in to see what's wrong with him. "Could he need a change?" I ask. "Yeah i changed him before I fed him so yeah i think so" he said. "I'll do it" she said. "No it's alright I'll do it" I say. "You haven't done it before. I'll do it" Y/ N said. I leave Y/ N to change Sunwoo. I don't think she really trusts me atm. I will change a diaper eventually. Sunwoo goes back off to sleep soon and we have some more time together

Yugyeom 💛

We put Sunhee to bed about half an hour ago. It took us a little bit of time to get her settled to sleep but we got there in the end. She's fast asleep nod and will hopefully be for a while. Yugyeom and I are having sometime together now before we have to tend to Sunhee again. We've been none stop since we got home from the hospital earlier today but it's been worth it of course as we now have our gorgeous little girl with us. We have the baby monitor next to us so we can listen out when Sunhee next wakes up. We are sat on the couch together having a hot drink and making the most of it. "When she wakes up. I'll go in" Yugyeom said. "No it's okay. We both will" I reply. "Okay. Whatever you want but I want you to get some sleep too" he said. "Don't worry. I will try" I say. About an hour or so later, Sunhee wakes up so we go into our room where she is. "What's the matter, baby girl?" Yugyeom said picking up Sunhee. "Awe. Our baby girl isn't happy" I say. "I know. Bless her" he said. I give her another feed and we change her too while we were at it. Then we put Sunhee to bed and headed to bed fairly soon ourselves. Yugyeom got up during the night when Sunhee woke up. The first night at home went okay

Jaebeom 💚

We got home from the hospital with the twins earlier today. It's amazing to have our boys home with us. Hosung and Hajoon are such a blessing to me and Jaebeom. They are the best things ever. We are trying to get them into a night routine. They were fed not so long ago and we need to change them and get ready for bed. It's not gonna be easy getting two babies ready for the night at the same time. Hopefully we'll do alright. We have two changing tables in the boys nursery so we can change them at the same time. I change Hajoon and Jaebeom changes Hosung and we put them pjs on. "There we go. You are both clean boys now" Jaebeom said. "Now the challenge of getting them to sleep" I reply. He nods his head. We place both of the boys in their cribs and wait for them to fall asleep but they don't fall asleep at the same time. Hajoon falls asleep first and then Hosung after him. Jaebeom and I leave the room silently so we didn't disturb them. "Our boys are asleep. May it be for a while" he said. "Yeah I know right" I reply. "How about we have a nice hot chocolate to relax and unwind?" he suggests. "Yes I'd love to" i reply. I put my feet up and he makes us hot chocolate. "There you go" he said. "Thank you, Jaebeomie. You're the best" I say. "No you're the best" he said. We had sometime together before the babies woke up. We fed and changed them and then went to bed ourselves as we were tired. First night was a bit hectic and we didn't get a lot of sleep but we'll get used to it sooner rather than later

A/ N: so that was the first night. Next he changes a diaper. How will that go?

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