Chapter 1: Introduction!

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What up Smash fans! So, hopefully you all know me! Yes! I am the most ignored Mario, the Doctor, it's me! Dr. Mario! Yeah, the second character... how sad... oh well, let's get to it, ya'll know my move set! and i think  Dr. tornado is probably my best move, but my creators should've given me a better height for my up special, EXACTLY, it's my "super jump punch" it's one of the stupidest moves i have ever used! but, it does more damage than Mario's up special. 

By the way, just because my name is « Dr. Mario, it doesn't mean I HAVE TO KEEP SAYING « ITS-A «  for literally everything. Yeah, that's not me, that's maro. notice that i put down MARO on purpose. And one more thing before we get MY story started...just know that I am NOT Mario's ECHO-FIGHTER, oh heck no I'm not! Because me and him have MANY DIFFERENCES! Ok, so Pac-man, my good buddy said he couldn't tell any more stories about his adventures, so he lent my turn, so here i am! telling my most wanted story, (well maybe not THAT wanted but it'll sure be a cool story!) 

So you know how everyone has a ship or a couple? (-of idiots). ONE! (As well as This book creator, he is LONGING for a GF) Mario has Peach, (that stupid fruit princess), Lagi has Daisy, HEH, more like lazy! hah! see what i did there! oh, well, AND NOW PAC-MAN HAS THAT PUFF-BALL JIGGLYPUFF! And now, Zero suit Samus, the hottest girl in the whole Smash bros ultimate roster was taken by Snack, or, was it snake? hisssss. What an idiot, he's like, what, 35? and Zero suit Samus is like 26 or something... anyway, what i mean with all this stupid-ass Jealousy, is that everyone is in love and then there's me, Dr. Mario, not noticeable.

 Well, guess what, I don't need anybody, I am Dr. Mario, the best doc in dat world. I gotta go, i'll Continue in a bit...

Ok, so I just finished my first battle, I was against Roy, Ganon-dork, Riddler, or Ridley, I don't give, I really don't. So what is it..? I won somehow, The announcer yelled out his countdown, "3...2...1...GO!!" And we all took off. Roy started attacking Ridley after he launched ganondork. But didn't destroy him.

Ridley blew some fireballs at Roy and Roy just leaped over them and stabbed Ridley and slashed him out of his way, to later come at me. I saw Roy flaring at me. So I ran to him and stuffed a pill down his throat and said " one pill a day keeps the goats away!" Then I did my forward aerial on that screamer.

I grabbed him and headbutted him like three times. That's when I noticed that I had the purple dragon and the goblin god thing right behind me. And there were crowds of  SSBU characters literally watching me fight. 

All three opponents up smashed me. While I was in the air, I heard a slight yell. "DOWN AIR" I looked around for like three seconds until I saw Princess Rosalina yelling. She was cheering for me somehow. I ignored her and just did my neutral air.

It worked on Ganon-goat, but then riddles did his Skewer attack on me. I fell to the ground and Roy charged up his neutral special and then legit EXPLODED me. I went flying at around seventy DMG, which means damage. 

thankfully I had three stocks. Also thankfully, when I did my recovery with my up special I made it to the ledge. And i might add that there was no fool trying to blow my ass again. all three people were fighting each other, and I think they were showing off for their crushes, yep... i know all of their crushes: Ganondorf: Zelda. Ridley: the female Charizard. and Roy: ZSS.

i know everyone's crushes. Anyway, so I began taunting casually and I heard slight laughs from the other SSBU characters, but, I also heard some yelling... ''QUIT FOOLING AROUND, YOU IDIOT!!'' said Little Macdonalds. which A.K.A is Little mac, in case some of you Bafoons need me to be specific. So, anyway... I stopped my horsing around and started trying to attack.

but all my moves were all dodged, and so I took a few steps back to think of a gameplan. until I heard some sick breathing and smelled a horrid breath (of the wild I might add, (fake laugh)) then when I turn and I see riddler looking at me.

he said to me, "Wanna dance, Pretty Boi?" and then I dodged his slash. I Naired him and backaired his monster-ass. then i did an unforgettable combo that I think was just perfect. Look here you piece of crap: grab, back throw, back air, back air dr.tornado, and finally downair. 

it was tough to recover since all I had was my up special. but thankfully after I destroyed ridley, I used my up B and then Roy jumped off the ledge, and up aired me while he went below me. since I was still at 72.6, he did a great launch at me, so I decided to just move to the stage instead of being a badass again. also its a fifty-fifty win for me and Roy. He practically helped me recover, and I let him recover back to the stage.

when he was holding on to the ledge, I went on the ledge and grabbed his hand, "thanks for helping me recover, Roy." I said seriously. then he said, "but, I wasn't trying to help you, I was trying to finish you!" I looked back for a second, Roy was at 82.9 DMG, so then I look back at him and say "Oh- ok!" then I forward smashed him. sadly for him, that was his second stock lost.

"What a sucker..." I said seriously once again. then I heard I slight HOOYAH!! and I noticed that ganondork forward smashed ridley. to let you know what was happening at that moment here's a little chart...

ridley: at two stock    Ganondorf: two stock and Roy: 1 stock.       even though it's not a damn chart

yep! that's what's happening. I launched Roy off and I said. "you never say happiness without saying PENIS!!" then I practically deleted his final stock. "Roy, defeated," said the announcer. I was finally glad  i busted someone's stock after like ten minutes of battle time. speaking of which, this battle i am talking about, was a 4:00 minute battle, so yeah, I mistakenly lied sorry! OH WELL WHO GIVES A CRAP!?!?

i was pretty sick of  fighting these dumb losers who's lives are spent kicking butt for girls, so when I tried to commit smash-icide, I was grabbed but ganondork, he launched me and busted my first stock. I was pretty pissed, but I guess it's just called Super smash bros. Ultimate for a reason, we're supposed to smash each other, and I swear, if you seriously thought this the wrong way, then you really are a piece of a virus.

Well, if you don't know why I am so pissed all the time, it's all thanks to my stupid back-story. I was the third-no, fourth character created. Right after peach, or.... aw who gives, really! Well anyway, Mario got all the fame, and then there's me, my boring game killed everyone, and nobody ever like my in Nintendo history. 

And when I saw Maro, Samus, kinky link , Donkey Dong, Pika-rat, yogi, jizzly-puff captain show-off, lagi, kibbi, And Cox, I was so jealous, I was still stuck in my dumb, boring, game my almost-whole life. Until somehow I finally made it to melee thankfully.

It was fun being another Mario, and when I finally made it, I thought because of my Dr

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It was fun being another Mario, and when I finally made it, I thought because of my Dr. Tornado move, I thought I was the BEST Mario. But no, Mario was still loved. Plus he still had his Mario tornado move. Which was practically my Dr. Tornado move. 

Yo! Have you noticed that almost every move I have has "Dr." On it? Well let me tell you!: Dr. Kick neutral air , dr. Tornado, Dr. Sheet, which is also mostly called Super sheet,  Doctor Finale, and finally dr. punch.

Well yeah, that's my inside story. Oh well let's continue...

The Pac-man life pt. 3: Dr. Mario's storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora