Chapter 8

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Demi's POV

I woke up from a loud ring that came from my phone. I groaned and answered the call without looking at the ID. "Hi?" "Demz don't forget you have to be here in 3 hours for the interview about your story!!" I recognized the voice "nope" whoops yes I totally forgot thanks Natz. "Try to be in time today!" "I'll try Natz". I quickly got up. I put on a simple white dress with a leather jacket and my black heels. Then I went to the bathroom to put on some make up and curled my hair. "Woa you look pwetty" I turned to see little Emmi standing behind me in her PJs and messy hair with her stuffed bunny in her hand. "Thank you sweetie" I picked her up. "babygirl, I have an interview so you have to stay with Dallas and Maddie for a little, is that okay?" She nodded. I heard a knock on the door "oh there they are" I smiled.


When I arrived at the building I was perfectly in time. A woman stood up."Hi Miss Lovato, I'm Cintia, the interviewer." "Hi nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand. I sat down on a chair in front of her and she started the interview. The interview was filmed which made me a bit nervous, but I pushed my nerves down. She asked questions about my story. "It was always there, but then I just acted on it at around 8 or 9 years old. I started overeating, compulsively overeating. I would bake cookies and then eat the whole pan. I went from doing that to being unhappy with my body. I went to just completely starving myself and that turned into throwing up and starving myself and it was just this crazy battle going on inside of me. It got really difficult. I would throw up and it would just be blood and it was something that I realized if I don't stop this, I am going to die." She asked her last questions and ended the interview. After the interview I had a meeting about my new album. Suddenly my phone began to buzz. Dallas was calling me. "Excuse me, i have to take this one". Something didn't feel right and I made my way to the hall. "Dal, what's wrong?" "Demi, you have to come!! Emmi fell and then she didn't move and then..and now we are in the hospital.. but". "What the Fuck!! I'm coming!!!!". I quickly ran into the meeting to get my stuff. Without saying a word I ran to my car and drove to the hospital. I did the drive which took normally 30 minutes from the building, in nearly 12 minutes. When I got in the hospital we sat in the hall waiting for a nurse to say we could see her. "Dal, what happened exactly?" "We were having some lunch and she was looking outside while eating her sandwich and then suddenly she froze and tried to run away. But she had forgotten she was sitting on the chair and she fell with her head against the corner of the counter and then she just laid there with her eyes closed. no sound, no movement, nothing". I sat there with my head in hands. What could have made her want to run away? "Emilia Terrison?" A nurse said. I jumped up and walked towards the nurse. "Emilia is awake" I breathed a big relief "but..We want her to stay the night to be 100% sure she is fine" "When can I see her?" I asked. "Right now" he smiled. I went inside the room and saw my baby girl lying in the hospital bed. Heart breaking to see. Her eyes looked weakly and her face pale. "D-demi?" she stuttered "Yes baby girl?" I held her hand but then she started to cry. I laid down next to her and held her tight. I probably wasn't allowed to but I didn't care. "sshh baby everything is alright... I'm here now baby...shhh". Maddie and Dallas came in. "Dems do you want us to stay or?" "No i'm good" I answered.

My Baby girl - adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now