twenty three

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serin didn't even wait for minhee but just ran to her home straightaway.

as she walked in, she immediately sighed. hyeongjun was sitting on the couch, reminding her that minhee shared a room with her and that there was no escape from him.

"ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" she screamed and ran to her room, locking the door, leaving hyeongjun puzzled.

"what the..." he muttered, staring at the door of her locked room.

serin was pacing around, trying not to think about what had happened earlier.

"ew!" she screamed again, face turning red.

suddenly, the door handle started shaking.

"hey! let me in! seungwoo I know your in there!" minhee shouted from the other side of the door.

serin reluctantly opened the door, making minhee turn bright red.

"o-oh. it's not seungwoo." he muttered, walking in.

"uh..." serin muttered, sitting down on her bed, face turning red.

minhee cleared his throat nervously. "im...sorry."

serin blinked in surprise. "what...why?"

"for being so forward. I mean...we are only seventeen. im sorry." he muttered, eyes darting around.

serin paused and nodded, a slight smile forming on her lips.

"minhee... i need to tell you something. " serin finally sighed.

minhee's eyes widened. "what is it?"

a million thoughts ran through serin's head. she thought she had decided. that her final crush, the one for her was really kang minhee.

but everyone else was making her confused all over again and she hated it.

"uh...that we should have some ramen right now!" she squeaked and pulled her lips into a strained smile.

"oh." minhee's shoulders drooped. that's it? he thought solemnly. "yeah...let's go."

serin walked out of her room in an instant, briskly walking to the kitchen.

"serinnnn, are you making ramen?" dongpyo whined and enlarged his eyes to look cute. "make me a bowl too!~"

"dongpyo, stop that." serin scolded. "im not going to do it. nope."

"but pleaseee serinnnn..." dongpyo pouted and cupped his face with his cheeks.

"ah, you really know how to bribe me...fine, but it's only cause you're cute." serin rolled her eyes and sighed.

it wasn't possible to not give in to son dongpyo's deadly aegyo.

"aish, dongpyo, after making your ramen, there isn't enough for minhee!" serin sighed in exasperation while dongpyo slurpef on his noodles.

"well, sorry I didn't know!" dongpyo rolled his eyes.

when dongpyo wasn't bribing someone, he was the sassiest person on the planet.

"ill have to but another packet then... I could pick up a packet of milk for tommorow too." serin muttered to herself while grabbing her wallet.

right after she stepped out the door, minhee had finally finish collecting himself and walked out of the room, only to find dongpyo sitting at the kitchen counter eating ramen.

"where's serin?" minhee placed his arms at his sides.

"she went to the convenience store." dongpyo replied, not even looking at minhee.

"aish..." minhee ran his hands through his golden hair and ran out the door.

meanwhile, serin was browsing through the dairy section.

"hmmm... a yoghurt smoothie ahold be nice too..." she picked up a milk carton on her hand and a yakult in another, looking at both of them.

"yoghurt smoothie it is." she smiled.

"ah...the flavour I want is all the way up there..." she pouted, tiptoeing and straining her arm to reach it.

"what... am I really that short?" she muttered.

"seems like you are." a male voice said.

serin turned around and gasped. "minkyu?"

he smirked and leaned over to grab the bottle she was struggling to reach.

she widened her eyes, seeing minkyu inches away from her and lost her balance, slamming into the wall.

"ahh!" she shouted, before feeling a arm around her waist.

she opened her eyes and peeked at minkyu's perfect face. her face turned bright pink and she looked away in embarrassment.

what she didn't know, was that someone was watching their intimate moment with a scowl on his face.

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