💮🌸Part 2🌺🍭

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Dream was sitting on the remaining of a building, thinking about what he should do next since he's most likely been everywhere.

Dream's pov

I should explore this place more. I am curious if I will be able to find any survivors from the other side of the forest. I haven't seen any on this part, and I've been living, or should I say surviving, here for 4 years now. It's horrible how people are able to mess up the world like that, looks like being selfish was much more important than protecting the planet for other generations. Actually, now that I think about it, the next age of humans would have probably destroyed it themselves. So it was pointless either way. Kind of depressing when you think about it.

Anyway, I should get my lazy ass going, or I'm going to die from how toxic this place is. I need to wear a mask so I don't get infested with this unbreathable air. I look like a maniac with it on, but it's not like it matters, since there's no one here to judge me, apart from the nasty creatures that can't think. "They look like a fucking cockroach but with hair!" I wheezed to myself.
Sometimes you need to talk to yourself, so you don't become crazy and try to take your life. Being lonely is awful but I've learned myself with it.

I grabbed my bag and put it on my right shoulder. I took my medicine and begun walking towards the forest. I've never seen any cannibals go inside the forest. The only part of the woodland they have the balls to get to is the corners. I won't bother thinking about it. It's not like it is important, nothing matters here. You only need to survive.

Third person's pov

Walking was his only way to get there. He had a bike some months ago, but after an attack from those things, they broke it, so now he can either improvise or walk.

He had all the time in the world to think about something and build it, but he chose to not. He couldn't risk another attack.

Walking to the forest, the creatures that eat humans felt him but didn't bother moving. Dream noticed so he continued his path, always having his eyes peeled and his ears peeked.

Once he reached the entrance, he took a deep breath of the bad air and continued. Somehow, there were still animals alive. You could hear birds chirping and see bunnies run and jump in bushes. That surprised Dream a lot. "It's probably just a hallucination, no question how no one has ever come back. They probably got hypnotized by this."
Suddenly he noticed that the air was actually, breathable. He quickly took his mask off and admired the gorgeous natural picture. " It's amazing!" He gasped.

After an hour of peacefully walking, he reached a place, perfect for camping the night. He never felt more relieved than now. It was like a dream, and he wished he would never wake up, but even though he was "Dream", he couldn't make dreams real.

It was a place surrounded by trees and flowers. It looked aesthetically pleasing. Dream loved it. He put his bag on the ground and relaxed on the grassy ground. Finally, an actual place that is still alive.

When it started to get dark, he opened his flashlight and started writing in his diary.


I have finally found an area that is still alive. This part of the Earth always seemed special to me, but I was never brave enough to explore it. I guess I was bored enough to come here. Tomorrow I will explore it a bit more. As you know, I'm trying to find forms of life and people who have not died or got contaminated with the well-known plague...

He quickly closed his diary as he has heard something. It was a voice. Someone shouting. When he raised his head to look at the source of the noise, he had seen a figure. Someone standing, waving at him.
Dream gasped. He couldn't believe his eyes, so he used his flashlight, pointing it towards the person who was 30 feet away from him.

His eyes then opened up and his face now having some sort of confused, surprised and happy expression. 'oH my God!' Dream face-palmed himself. 'This is not real, Clay, get over it!' He thought to himself. 'Yet I can't miss this opportunity, what if it's not a hallucination? I will die anyway.' He dead smiled inside.

Without hesitation, he shouted back. "HEY! ARE YOU REAL??" He laughed to himself.

"Are YOU real?" the other boy chuckled.

They slowly approached each other. None of them really cared if they will get killed by the other one.

"I don't know, I guess so?" Dream wheezed. "I never checked to see if I'm real or not, now that I think about it." He jokingly said.

"Oh, neither did I." George was now confused. "Wait. Oh God now you're confusing me!" he laughed, Dream joined him.

"I thought you were going to kill me or something. I have not seen another survivor in years."

"I know right? This virus killed and infected a lot of people. Good thing it is not contagious anymore! I can't imagine myself dying because of it!"

After an awkward silence between the two, George asked "So, what's your name? I'd like to know who to blame you if I'm getting killed."

"Oh, wow, I just met you and you're already thinking about getting assassinated. I mean, I know you can't trust anyone here, but just letting you know that you can believe in me." he smiled.

"Yeah, now this gives me more reasons to have my eyes peeled." He said pointing to his eyes. "You can never trust someone you just met. Also, you can't convince someone by using that 'you can believe in me' stuff. You're making yourself more suspicious!"

"Sorry, but I haven't talked to anyone in years, It's not like we live in a post-apocalyptic world full of shit" he sarcastically rolled his eyes, which made George smile.

"You haven't answered my question!"

"Oh, I'm the Dream, babe, you always see me in your sleep." He tried to say it as serious as possible.

"That's the worst pick-up line I've ever heard in my life." They both started laughing, Dream now sounding like a teapot. "Nice to meet you, "Dream". You can call me George." He grinned.

"Alright, George, may I ask, what brings you here?"


Aah, I didn't have an internet connection for two days, sorry for the late update. Anyway, I didn't think people would actually find this, but hi! :)
I hope you enjoyed the story so far!

Locked and Lost // Gream/DreamNotFoundWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt