Huntress x Fem! Reader (1)

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~Your POV!~

I traced lines in the dirt below my feet with a stick, bored. It'd been a while before I was called into a match, but I heard the familiar ring which meant I would face a new killer. I conked out, as usual, and woke up in the Red Forest.
"Alright, easy map..." I mumbled to myself, casually. Everything seemed to be going well, nobody had been hooked yet and there were only three generators left.

Then, I heard humming.

Loud humming, coming towards me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise with suspense and terror. I started to run, knowing that if I was sighted, I'd be dead.

I hid behind a tree, and peeked out to look around. I saw her, her bunny ears sticking out a bit from over a loop. I glanced cautiously at her to see which way she was going, but you couldn't tell. Before I knew it, a hatchet lodged into the tree right next to my head, and I heard a mischievous laugh from the shadows.

I yelled in fear, and took off, tearing through the foliage and using it as rustling distractions, but she was determined. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back, and I fell harshly to my knees [iridescent head - insta down]. Goddamit.

~Huntress POV!~

I watched as the girl stirred, laying in the simple cot, which used to be mother's. I began to reminisce, not noticing the girl who sat up fully and began to stare. I stood, and as she tried to yell for help, rushed to her and covered her mouth.
I shook my head, hoping she'd understand, and put my finger to her softened, balmed lips gently. I tried to tell her that I wouldn't hurt her, but it became increasingly evident that she didn't understand Russian.

"No running." I muttered with a harsh accent, hating my English informalities. The girl gulped and looked up at me. "Who?" I pointed harshly at her, expecting her name.

~Your POV!~

I looked up the woman's muscular arm, shaking my head. "No." I said stubbornly, which caused her to stomp a bit and get aggravated, obviously easily angered. "Hey, hey... Shh." I said softly. "No running." I repeated, in hopes of not angering her again. She nodded thankfully, and murmured appreciation in another language. "Who?" She repeated gently again, pointing at me more softly. "I'm [Y/N]." I murmured curiously, looking gently up at her.


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