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Laying on the grass of Central Park at night had never been on Jace's to-do list. But the blond had to admit, with the sky above him and his friends by his side, that there certainly were more unpleasant ways to spend an evening. Lips curling as he heard giggles, the blond turned his face to look at Lucie, who'd been laying next to him, their faces next to each other while their bodies faced opposite. It was probably the first time since their encounter that he could take a good look at the female for the sheer sake of it. Not assessing for any harm, not searching for any weapon, not desperately trying to decipher her emotions. She was content, carefree. There was a light about that. A light and an innocence. "What are you laughing about?" The blond asked, an easy grin on his features.

"You." Lucie replied, turning her face to lay on her side, ensuring that their eyes would meet. "I just thought about you, yelling that you loved me right before I passed out." She chuckled. "That was so dramatic." She spoke, reaching out for the blond. She ran her index along his cheekbone.

Jace huffed. "I was overwhelmed." He replied, taking ahold of her hand. The male brought it closer to his lips, pressing tender kiss to the fingertips as an attempt to sidetrack the conversation.

Lucie affectionately smiled. "You were a damn liar." She spoke.

Jace furrowed his brows. "No. I wasn't. I said that I loved you. Not that I was in love, with you." He corrected, more fond than anything else.

Lucie rolled her eyes, a smile remaining on her lips. "He thinks he's slick with that one." Indulging the blond, she watched as Jace tangled their fingers. "I'm glad you're not in love with me, though." She admitted, focusing her gazes on their intertwined hands. "Because I don't think I'm in love with you either." She sighed softly. "We just don't know each other that much. And starting tonight would be a mistake." Jace hummed in agreement, bringing their hands to rest on his chest. "Everything just was so intense..." The female went on. "And now that we can breathe again, I realize that what brought us together, might have been circumstances induced more than anything else."

"You understand me." Jace started. Not sounding an ounce belligerent. He wasn't about to argue that she was wrong. In fact, he knew, deep down that she was right. "You understand me because you've been through some shit too. And that's not something I'd particularly wish on anyone." He said. "But I think, I think there was something genuine there. A spark." The blond grinned when the female chuckled. "We were a beginning. Not a story. Sadly there isn't much time for us to write anything together past forewords."

"That was," Lucie paused, smiling at the blond as she shuffled closer. "very well put."  The Solivagant finished. "And this," She brushed her nose against his. "is the perfect configuration for a Spiderman kiss." The female whispered, gently cradling the blond's face. Jace's brows slightly furrowed at the reference, but he found he didn't mind not knowing too much when her lips pressed against his.

The two separated as a blinding flash went on above their head. Lucie looked up, grinning when she recognized an unapologetic Isabelle. "I have to document this." Izzy said. "I don't know when will be the next time that I go on a triple date with my two brothers."

"And me." Simon said, sounding just a little dejected about being the seventh wheel. That earned him a couple chuckle.

Clary got closer to her best friend, pulling him in a side embrace as they still laid on the grass. "You know you're fully part of this Si. I need you in my life." She told the male who smiled brightly. Isabelle walked back to the two, taking a picture that made them groan when the flash went off.

Magnus and Alec were a little further away, the shadowhunters' head in his boyfriend's lap as Magnus sat on the grass, head turned to the sky. Isabelle tried to silently get closer to the two, planning to sneak on them. "Come on Iz," Alec said. "you're better trained than that." He finished, sitting up to peer at sister over his boyfriend's shoulder. Magnus turned his head to glance at Isabelle as well, and the female took a picture, making the couple blink.

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