Vampire Man

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Katie looks up at a tall dark shadow and backs up.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I'm Hunter." He stepd out of the shadows.

Katie looks at his long brownish red hair and his sharp teeth.

Katie sits up in a sweat. She tries to control her breathing by sitting on the edge of her bed. She just had the most real dream. It was so real she was sick to her stomach.

Katie stands up and walks downstairs to get some water and hoped to find some ice cream.

"Ms.Llorente." An older maid walks over. ''Can I help you with anything?"

"I want ice cream." She says in a soft voice. "And something for my stomach."

"I'll get you some stomach medicine. Ice cream is in the freezer." She nods her head towards the freezer.

Katie grabs the choclate ice cream and starts searching for a spoon.

"Left drawer.'' A deep husky familiar voice says.

Katie grabs a spoon and turns around. It was Hunter,the guy from her dreams.

"Hunter." Katie says as she takes the top off of the Ice cream.

Hunter looks at her confused. "How did you know my name? I told my workers to not tell you my name."

"Just an educated guess." She smirks.

"You're a witch so you saw me." He shakes his head.

"What do you want with my baby?" She cuts him off.

"What are you thinking?" He smirks.

Katie groans and starts eating the ice cream. "It's best that you don't have intentions to harm it." She says looking over at Hunter. He was tall, buff,and a vampire but none of that scared her.

"You don't get to have any word in any of this." He smirks. "That baby is mine. I bought it." He walks off.

Katie bites her lip. She didn't need to fight. She needed to find a way out.

"Here Ms.Llorente." the maid hands her stomach pills and a glass of water.

"Thank you." She smiles and takes the pills.

The maid leaves as Katie finishes eating the rest of the ice cream. Katie walks back to her room and watches t.v. before falling asleep.


"Can you not burn everything." Hunter hisses.

"Shut up!" A girl says angrily.

Katie walks in and smells something burning. The girl turns around and sees Katie.

"This must be the baby momma." The blonde smirks.

"Racheal." Another guy walks in. "Be nice to our guest." He looks at Katie. "I'm Ethan."

"Katie." She looks over at Hunter who was already staring back at her.

"I'm not staying stuck in the room all day." Katie crosses her arms.

"You do what you are told." Hunter says and Racheal rolls her eyes.

"Hunter." Ethan scolds. "What would you like to do today?"

"I want to practice magic." She says looking at Hunter.

"No." Hunter shakes his head.

"Why?" Racheal asks confused. "You have three vampires here to protect you. Why would you need to practice magic?"

"I dont trust you." She looks at the three of them. "Maybe if questions would be answered then I'd be okay with being held captive."

Racheal and Ethan smirk. Hunter hisses. "You ungreatful little-."

"Hunter." Ethan says sternly. "Dinner tonight. We will discuss any questions you have." Ethan says handing her a plate full of pancakes.

"Okay." Katie says taking the plate and walking back upstairs.

Katie spends most of the day watching t.v. showering and sleeping.

"Ms.Llorente." The maid knocks.

Katie opens the door and the maid walks in with clothes.

"Dress nice tonight. Heres some clothes Racheal has given you." The maid says before walking towards the door.

"Whos Ethan and Racheal?" Katie asks, curious.

"Hunters siblings." She smiles softly and walks out.

Katie goes through the closet and finds a yellow sundress. She puts the dress on and looks in the mirror. The dress hunh perfectly on her knees. You couldn't tell she was pregnant yet but Katie still felt a pull towards the baby.

She walks downstairs and walks towards the dining room.

"Katie." Ethan smiles kindly. "Please sit."

Katie sits at the opposite end of the table and looks at the three of them.

"What do you want to know?" Racheal asks kindly as the maids walk in with the food.

"What are you going to do with my baby?"

"No harm will come to it." Ethan says.

"But what will you do with him?!" She asks more sternly.

"His father." Hunter says. "Brandon is our step brother." He admits.

"Oh." Katie narrows his eyes. "But why take him from me?"

"Thats not the plan." Ethan says. "We plan on you being part of its life."

"We would never take a mother away from her child." Racheal says.

"So why not confront me? Instead of paying my father."

"This was easier." Hunter looks up. "This way you wouldn't want to go back to your family."

"Does Brandon know?"

"No and he doesnt need to know." Racheal says. "We have disowned him."


"He killed our mother." Ethan says trying to end the subject.

"I-whoa." Katie groans and puts a hand on her stomach. "Ouch!" She says as she feels a sharp pain in her stomach.

"Whats wrong?" Racheal asks.

Katie lifts her dress up and they watch as her stomach grows and Katie screams in pain.

"Stop it please." She crys.

A maid speaks latin and the growing stops. Katie had a baby bump now but she stopped growing.

"Someone is trying to speed your pregnancy. I don't know how long my spell will work."

"Thank you." Katie whispers and falls asleep.

"I'll get her to her room." Hunter picks her up and carries her off.

"Ethan." The maid grabs his arm. "That baby is in danger. You need to protect it." She whispers.

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